Yes and no. I agree that if you can make it through college, then you are probably functioning well enough to handle some work environments, but you'd be surprised how little social contact you really need to get through college or even grad school if you're smart enough or good at learning from textbooks. I had many classes where I never once spoke to the professor or any of my classmates. You can't get away with that in most work environments.
Considering I've been to college and university (and dropped out a few times) as well as been in the working environment I'm talking first hand experience (no good ones though).
About 5 years ago, in my last attempt to obtain some kind of paper that states I have qualifications by attending a university, I settled for IT, since that in general seems to be one of those fields where people work on their own. And by stereotype, a lot of people on the spectrum tend to be active in that field. Unfortunately, my entire program was comprised out of group assignments and not a single assignment I should do alone. Asking other students past the first year; it was no different for them.
Considering I am terrible with groups, even if they are 5 people, on top of the fact that I had little to no affinity with IT in general (I kid you not; I was the only student in my class that went out partying in weekends, the other 20 all spend their weekends on computers).
And there's also the fact that in the dutch education system, even at college and universities, there's a requirement for you to actually show up at lectures... you can't really do it "on your own"... but that's my experience.
But yes, I agree, you can't get away with behavior rarely showing up and doing things on your terms in a working environment. And clearly not in all schools either. Here's an interesting tidbit (which I spoke about a few times in different topics, but it touches upon this "you can't do this in working environments"); I actually got my high school diploma by going something akin "adult college", that actually had full classes from monday till friday. I just showed up for exams... say, a good 2 to 4 hours a month. That's how I seemingly function best... and it clearly was a terrible transition going to university after that. I couldn't even adjust to waking up at 6 in the morning... (and I still can't)