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Working the afternoon shift, watching the world pass by me


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V.I.P Member
For those not familiar with the term, that would be something like a 3 to 11 PM shift, in other words your evening is wiped out and you can't do anything

I've been working a temporary work contract at a warehouse, that I think could lead to them hiring me, last week I was asked if I would consider working the afternoon shift, I said I would simply because I want to try to get hired on if possible (long story)

But this first week of the shift is killing my outings to weekly car cruise nights, just as they are ramping up for summer as restrictions lift on gatherings... And whenever events in the local arts scene start happening, I can't go to hardly any of them because of this shift... I'm not sure how long they plan to keep on this shift, but already I'm wistfully looking on Facebook at the classic cars I didn't see because I was working

There is one good thing about it though, it enables me to get out a little in the morning for my photography I enjoy if I feel like it, either street photography in the urban or a park, or anywhere else... And I got together with a photographer friend this week, who I see far less since I started working temporary work contracts...

So really a bit of this and a bit of that, but overall I really prefer a day shift, because it allows me to get out to things...

Now I'm off to bed at 1:40 AM, because I get home at 12:35 AM from work
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The tough work dilemma, those do happen. Could you just go back to temp if you don't take that position if offered?

The evening photograpy is magical, the ambiance of shadows and lights, and sunsets bring that surreal wow appeal.
The tough work dilemma, those do happen. Could you just go back to temp if you don't take that position if offered?

The evening photography is magical, the ambiance of shadows and lights, and sunsets bring that surreal wow appeal.

I can "quit" this job at any time of course, especially since it's a temporary work contract... But I've heard from more than one person that there is a strong possibility of the company buying out the contract and directly hiring me, why I'm trying to behave... They have even offered overtime hours to me, which has surprised me given that it's a temporary contract... I took them including the one week of getting up at 3:30 AM :eek: for a 5 AM start at work for a ten hour work day...

Talking classic cars, did grab this photo during a walk yesterday before work, after having lunch with a friend...

VW Dune Buggy 01.jpg
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There's usually a shift penalty for afternoon or night shift, so you get compensated. You might like the midnight shift.
There's usually a shift penalty for afternoon or night shift, so you get compensated. You might like the midnight shift.

I think you mean "shift premium", and generally I think it's applied more for the overnight shift, not a shift I want to work at all...

My biggest thing is all sorts of evening activities, not just classic car stuff, events related to the local arts scene, the afternoon shift kills all of that... I'm one of those people who typically goes out a couple of nights a week to various gatherings (pre-Covid of course)
Shift Penalty rates (unusual hours) = shift premium

If you're not getting compensated financially for loss of social time, that's why they're keen to have you.

At least you're finding out what does and doesn't suit you, maybe you could do casual for them.
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I spent many years on the afternoon and grave yard shifts. If I was very careful with my sleep and scheduling I could take a college class on them. At the time, nothing I was interested in was available in the evening.
I spent many years on the afternoon and grave yard shifts. If I was very careful with my sleep and scheduling I could take a college class on them. At the time, nothing I was interested in was available in the evening.

I've met people who love those shifts, and not just because of a shift premium, trying to adjust my thinking and attitude, even if it's just for the short term, life is full of (different) opportunities
Oh well, working swing shift is part of being a grown up.

I used to work at a factory. Every afternoon, the production lead would yell, "Shake your money makers!!" Everyone on the production line put their hands in the air, and waved them around.

So next time you're bummed about working swing, just remember to shake your money makers.

Besides, you'll have more money, so that when a cool car meet coincides with a day off, you will have the cash to have some real fun there. And it'll feel more fun and special, because it was a delayed gratification.
There is one cruise night I can still make it to, it's smaller and far more intimate, people I talk with, and I took this photo on Saturday night, got a short ride in a 1950 International L-130, old school 6-cylinder (original) with 4-speed (original), definitely a slow ride... :)

IHC Pickup 01.jpg
I know this feeling all too well, I get a lot of night shifts where I will get home too late and too run down to do much of anything but some things I might have to do when I get back in done. As long as I have at least some morning shifts and a couple days off a week I get through it though. Not a nice feeling when I'm so burnt out that everything including my cognitive and social abilities go out the window as my body desperately attempts to recharge but just can't full cause work is turning life into a weird marathon.
Maybe getting groceries delivered would help you to have more time. Walmart does grocery delivery. And if you get Walmart Plus, for 12 dollars a month, you get unlimited grocery delivery free.
Maybe getting groceries delivered would help you to have more time. Walmart does grocery delivery. And if you get Walmart Plus, for 12 dollars a month, you get unlimited grocery delivery free.

I would more often since going to the grocery store takes more time as I can't drive but there is always fee's and I can't pick out the produce myself and I don't really trust anyone there to do that. Especially when it comes to potatoes, I need the biggest and best for baking and delivery drivers are not potato experts! Though for more packaged items if it wasn't for those fee's I probably would more often.
I know this feeling all too well, I get a lot of night shifts where I will get home too late and too run down to do much of anything but some things I might have to do when I get back in done. As long as I have at least some morning shifts and a couple days off a week I get through it though. Not a nice feeling when I'm so burnt out that everything including my cognitive and social abilities go out the window as my body desperately attempts to recharge but just can't full cause work is turning life into a weird marathon.

I've had that feeling before, even a little right now, as discussed... Just trying to hang in there myself, moreso the heat of this week, otherwise I'm trying to go for a couple of outings in between work shift, been hiding at home with this heat wave, thank goodness for a relatively cool warehouse...
Meantime, Murphy's Law intervenes

The one night I can go to the car cruise night (the warehouse is taking Canada Day off - tomorrow - and Friday, since it's the day between, four days off!)... The forecast is calling for a very good chance of rain and thunderstorms... o_O Why do I even look at the forecast, it's starting to look like a lost summer again, okay maybe that's a slight over statement... :rolleyes:
I've had that feeling before, even a little right now, as discussed... Just trying to hang in there myself, moreso the heat of this week, otherwise I'm trying to go for a couple of outings in between work shift, been hiding at home with this heat wave, thank goodness for a relatively cool warehouse...

Oh it's brutal out there now, in the 90's here lately. Still doesn't stop me from going out if I get home in time to do so for a walk and shopping if I gotta get some groceries before coming back and making some dinner. I treasure Summer the most because though it's hot at least the air doesn't hurt. The cold is even worse sometimes.
Murphy's Law reigns supreme, thunder storms rolling through right now, on the Friday night of car cruise night, this is the one Friday I have off... Next weekend they plan to officially re-launch the cruise night and guess what, I'll be at work! :( All the different cruise nights are re-launching as restrictions lift, and if all goes wrong (it probably will), I'll miss everything for the rest of summer... :(
Or maybe... I've built so many of my life around working a day shift, that even temporarily doing this seems like a major change, need to wrap my head around all of this change somehow... And not think about the Citroen 2CV I didn't see at one of the cruise nights this week... o_O At least for awhile this is my life
I can kind of understand how you felt when you typed this. In 2019, I was very ill, and was undergoing chemotherapy. As I got strong enough to go out and do little things, the Covid lockdowns happened. Then, last summer, I got my wheelchair, and was really feeling independent, but the riots started in my city. Now businesses are shutting down. I am so bored and I feel like my life is just passing me by.
And thus it ends... It was only a temporary contract, and Friday shift was my last one... And, no, I'm not broke yet... Actually taking the week off from any temporary jobs to soak in Calgary Stampede week, plus my photography of the Stampede...

It wasn't that bad, I'm pretty sure I made it worse than it really was

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