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Working the afternoon shift, watching the world pass by me

I can "quit" this job at any time of course, especially since it's a temporary work contract... But I've heard from more than one person that there is a strong possibility of the company buying out the contract and directly hiring me, why I'm trying to behave... They have even offered overtime hours to me, which has surprised me given that it's a temporary contract... I took them including the one week of getting up at 3:30 AM :eek: for a 5 AM start at work for a ten hour work day...

Talking classic cars, did grab this photo during a walk yesterday before work, after having lunch with a friend...

View attachment 68549

I would focus on the good things (free time in the morning), and try to do your best on the job. Make sure they know you would like permanent employment though.
I can kind of understand how you felt when you typed this. In 2019, I was very ill, and was undergoing chemotherapy. As I got strong enough to go out and do little things, the Covid lockdowns happened. Then, last summer, I got my wheelchair, and was really feeling independent, but the riots started in my city. Now businesses are shutting down. I am so bored and I feel like my life is just passing me by.

I hope that gets better for you...

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