qwerty - In answer to why Oppenheimer made that statement you might want to look into the origins of the Vril Society, a group based upon the works of Bulwer Lytton's '
The Coming Race' (1871). Whilst there is no evidence that Oppenheimer was a member, he was certainly aware of the organisation and its manifesto as many of its members were conscripted by the US, UK and USSR after WWII through programs such as Operation Paperclip. Interestingly, those scientists were placed in three areas of research and development. The space program, the industrial war program and genetics (eugenics).
Research into the Vril Society and its
sisterhood, the Black Sun, leads to a disturbing counterpoint to what
Spiller had put forward. Maria Orsic, who was the matriarchal head, claimed to be in contact with advanced beings of a
peaceful and altruistic nature who supplied the Nazi movement with technological expertise. There is ample evidence of that technology now available thanks to the FOA, although much of it is still redacted.
The worrying thing is, why would a peaceful and altruistic race of beings support the Nazi ideology?
The Vril Society is, fundamentally, the creator of what we now call the alternative movement. All of what we see there was instituted following the societies research into Hindu, Tibetan, Chinese and shamanic practises.
I am not a believer in the idea that any race capable of interstellar flight would also have altruistic intent. If nature is consistent then species evolve through dominance over other species, and their own, producing an end product that is likely to be aggressive. Population density or lack of resources would be a prime motivator in leaving a home world.
It is possible that a civilisation could exist long enough to evolve beyond the need for war, but they would be few in numbers and so advanced that they would likely have no interest in any species at the bottom of the ladder. A look at the current work of
Mikio Kaku and his ideas on how civilisations evolve is interesting.
The concept of a Star Trek Federation, whilst admirable, would require a virtual dissolution of current societal concepts that could only come about through an event so shocking, so traumatic, that humanity had no other choice. It would arise through a new world order that saw race, colour, religion etc. as meaningless. Given that our world is currently driven by money, war and religion I believe it would take a mass extinction event.
Such an event, if it should occur naturally, could wipe out the very people needed to create a '
federation', thus, we go trolling off into conspiracy land where the MEE is 'managed'. Then we all get banned