I'm 45, trudging through the midlife crisis, and I can't always tell if something with my body is "normal" for a woman my age or if it's the beginnings of something horrible. Seems all I have to look forwards to is my body and mind deteriorating and dying a low, painful death. But what's worse is that my parents are aging as well, of course, and they're not going to be around someday, and what will I do then? My mother had told me not to worry and that it will all be worked out, but I really don't know.
But what I *do* know is that the internet is your worst enemy when it comes to looking up symptoms, real or imagined. They make every little thing sound horrible. It's never just a cold, it's a deadly strain of flu. It's never just a stomachache, it's a lethal form of food poisoning, and everything else is cancer, diabetes, or lupus. Forget it. The internet is the worst place for medical advice. I even heard an insane Reddit story about some woman whose infant had severe yellowing of the skin, and it turned out that she read on Dr. Google or whatever that you are *not* supposed to breast feed your infant or even give it formula, and she had been feeding it a mixture of cornstarch and water. Unsurprisingly, CPS was called.