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Would you date someone with kids?

I would if me and the girl is going well, if I was to get married, i would become a stepfather to the kids but it wouldn't feel the same as dating someone without kids but i would still date her either way.
Yeah, but some people have kids at a young age. It would suck having to deal with kids at such a young age though.
i think people who do that are stupid and should have been more careful, it is bad for the kid to have a mom that young, i know my mom had me at the age of 16 and my friends mom had her when she was 13, it has effected both of us
Yeah, I agree that they're stupid. How tough is it to put a condom on, seriously? Some people don't understand the risks until their girlfriend gets pregnant. I especially hate it when the male, who was stupid enough to not put a condom on, gets scared upon hearing that his girlfriend is pregnant and decides to leave her, making her raise his kid while he wants nothing to do with her or the kid anymore.

Talk about bloody morons. Ha.
yeah stuff like that is just horrible, but if the dad is like that, its probly better not have the child around them.
Tried it twice and both times it was a mistake.

The first, the kid hated me from the word go, she wanted her father to be back with the mother. It got so bad the mother gave in and went back.

The second was the opposite, the kids 'adopted' me straight away which caused conflicts with the mother as they wouldn't do anything she asked unless I backed her up.
I believe I answered this question in another thread and at that time "My List" said "NO". Um, let me whip out the "List" and look again to see if maybe I scratched out that necessity in a "hunny". Nope! The "List" still says "NO" for a "hunny" with kids, so my answer is still "NUNCA". (I had to look that word up cause I took French.) :)
Nope, not fit to be anyones father. And I do not care for people that go around recklessly breeding either so if my only options are dieing old and alone as a virgin or dating someone with kids, old and alone it is.
I'm too young to be a father. I'm not ready for that kind of work yet. Although I would love to be one, I'm only 17 and I wouldn't want to waste the rest of high school supporting a son or daughter.
This is not even something I have to think about - The answer is no, I would not date anyone with kids. Ever.

I don't like kids. I find them noisy and messy and I just don't like them even being on the floor or on the furniture before they are toilet trained, don't like them touching my stuff and I especially hate how babies randomly throw up. whenever my brother brings my nephew over I end up frequently having to shut myself in my room for extended periods of time to decompress.

It's much worse with other kids that aren't close family. I don't ever want any kids of my own, either.
I'm a teenager and I get along with some kids. My little cousin, though, gets on my nerves a lot and asks if I can play with him and always pouts if I don't. What if I'm not in the mood to play? What if I'm not interested in playing games? I mean, yeah, I'm still a "kid" but I'm almost 18 so I guess I'm not much of a "kid" anymore. I have to deal with the real world and I think it will be difficult for me to converse with others.
I couldn't tolerate anyone else but my ex or me disciplining my children. We were their parents and it was out responsibility. I would never want to enter a relationship already compromised by someone else's kids.
NO! My wife would kill me! If I wasn't married, the kids would not bother me. I like kids and that's good since I have a bunch of kids & grandkids.
Yes, I'd get to have children without the guilt of having brought them into a cruel world. I suffered from depression a lot through life and I don't want to pass that on (if it's possible to). My family all seem to have some sort of mental health problems, think there may be a glitch in the gene pool. I like children, so to me meeting a man with children would be great (if the kids actually liked me).
I'm only 19 but I've already had my eye on older gentlemen who have young kids. It's an instant no for me. I am awful with children. I have no patience for the noise or demands of small children and I'm far too awkward with older kids. Kids don't like me and I don't like them lol. I don't know how to converse properly and I can never tell what they want. So toddlers are super hard for me to handle. I've never even changed a diaper. Ha. Yep I'm that bad :p

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