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Would you date someone with kids?

I'd have to say no. I like kids (unless they're the annoying, spoiled, bratty ones) but unless they were my own (and I'm not even sure I want kids) I just don't think I'd wanna deal with that situation. And sometimes kids give me anxiety.
I think for me it'd depend on the situation- where is the mom, how involved is mom/dad in the kids' lives, how many are there, ages, does he want more, etc. It's not a definite deal-breaker but I could see how in some situations I just wouldn't want to be involved.
Never. I'm not a children person, they're so unpredictable & really wouldn't fit in with my way of life. I have enough of a near-panic-attack when family friends bring their kids over unannounced and they want to play with everything I own. Not sure I could deal with that myself!
It'd make the early, fun, part of the relationship much more difficult. And then there'd be the risk of bonding with the kids and having to "break up" with them if the relationship didn't work out. I'm not saying I wouldn't, but I'd have to really like her.
Yeah, this is really an "up to you" type deal. The best thing to do though (if that person is responsible) would be to date that person one-on-one with NO kids involved so you can get to know their true self (the kids aren't going to be there forever, but you will if that's the end game). Then once things get serious and you guys want to take it to the next level get introduced to the kids. There's a lot to take into consideration though (i.e. your age, the kids' age, your sensory/social sensitivities), but I think it's always worth a shot if you feel something could really be there and you think you'd be able to handle raising the kids. Better to take the chance than miss the love of your life.

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