Lady Lucifer
Rejected Disney Princess
This is a question geared towards single aspies. Would you rather dating a NT or another aspie and why?
For me, I'm AS and hetrosexual. Its not a condition I'm proud of, because of my horrible upbringing and environment. I also understand that ASD affects genders differently and I've seen the difference between males and females. I've had....bad experiences with males on the spectrem. So I'd prefer if my partner was NT and was aspie friendly and/or weren't NT but weren't an aspie either. I know they are out there, because I've been in those relationships and I've had better experiences.
For me, I'm AS and hetrosexual. Its not a condition I'm proud of, because of my horrible upbringing and environment. I also understand that ASD affects genders differently and I've seen the difference between males and females. I've had....bad experiences with males on the spectrem. So I'd prefer if my partner was NT and was aspie friendly and/or weren't NT but weren't an aspie either. I know they are out there, because I've been in those relationships and I've had better experiences.