Raphael Outcast
Active Member
a lot of aggressive posts toward others. It is definitely not always a warm fuzzy place. You need to be on your toes and on guard. I suspect that many of the more unpleasant members are more sociopathic than Aspergerian. It is possible to avoid the nasty people but why bother?
W.P. is not the ideal place for autistics and is not safe.
I have heard that some psychopaths like to identify as being on the spectrum because they can gain more social acceptance for some of their traits such as lack of empathy.
I don't read W.P., the site is a corpse that needs to be put out of its misery. Stop giving Alex Plank money for his 9th grade school project that he doesn't care to upkeep any longer.
However, I would like to say Fnord is one of the biggest bootlicking losers the internet has ever seen, the guy has posted multiple threads about how he was gonna leave and most of the replies were good riddance prick but he still sticks around after all these years. The saddest bunch of all, this includes Fnord, are the moderator groupies that so desperately WISH they were moderators that backseat mod & heckle from the peanut gallery. Fnord was never stupid enough to P.M. me abusive messages, I heard about him doing it plenty of course with nothing ever done by the Mods. Never me, probably because he knew trashing him would become a game to me. Coward. Nobody likes the guy, how he isn't banned is a "Mod secret" for sure. All the moderators on W.P. are trash, abandon ship. There is no saving it, let the losers waste more years moderating a dead forum.
Well, all I can say is that the above comments pretty much sum up my few weeks' experience on Wrong Planet to date. There are also some wonderfully witty and genuine people there, to be fair, but it's difficult ethically to continue to be involved in a forum where the likes of Fnord are permitted to attack the vulnerable & the genuinely distressed. Wrong Planet is not a safe space.Fnord, goldfish21, TW1ZTY, and some other rude and pompous assholes ruined the place for me.
Thank you to the people who posted the above, and other, comments: you have helped me to see I was not being hypersensitive or paranoid after all!