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Year's greatest AS achievement!

Oh yes, I have a huge thing that I accomplished this year. :P

For quite a few years, I've had what is known as 'selective mutism', which is where you don't talk to many people at all.
Prior to this year, I opened up to a few close friends, speaking to them, once I got to know and trust them, and did simple replies of 'yes' and 'no' when teachers asked me something. :)

In the past, there were a few times when someone at school came up to me and said, "hey, I dreamed last night that you were talking to the class!".

Well back in August, that dream came true. :D
Now I talk lots. :D

I hope you're a total chatterbox :D amazing break through, I can't imagine how frustrating it is to lose your voice and often your feelings and opinions. Congratulations x

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