sorry,a long wall of text coming at you,ive had NO sleep at all last night after the previous nights lack of sleep so i have a lot of ideas in my head-itss took me a long time to write though as my word memory bank is being screwy. might be autie if:
*you dont know what age apropriate means-ie you dont give a crap about being seen with baby toys,childrens things etc whether they match your intellectual capacity or not.
*you suck at real world stuff but your own world is an indepth colourful and safe alternate dimension.
*you suck at verbal speech and may not verbally speak at all but you could write something indepth and wow people if it was in text or pictures.
*your language skills suck-you relie on a dictionary and thesaurus to understand other people and to use other vocabulary,but you can fix a computer.
*you have been misdiagnosed with intellectual disability before,or you actually do have intellectual disability;or at the opposite side intellectual giftedness.
*you are disconnected to humanity and see humans as objects but you have an incredible intense passion for animals or you are a caring person in general.
*you are cleverer than your support staff in any area but they treat you like a child and because of your lack of interaction or communication skills you cant argue it.
*people spot your autism instantly,but instead of asking you about it they ask your support staff/carer/family etc.
*because of your intense visual thinking you struggle to translate imagery to language and as a result have delays in your speech.
*you are called or have been called 'retard'/'retarded' by people who you are much smarter than-even if you happen to have come under that dreadful label.
*you were/are non verbal but can talk in some form of animal language.
*you cant read or struggle with reading and cant write,but you are smart in any area.
*you wonder why people cry when watching tv shows where something bad happens to a character,and you ask people; why are you crying? it isnt real-you cant understand this behavior.'
*you dont understand the concept of death and when in funerals can be found doing anything but crying which scares or angers people around you if they dont understand autism.
*you were classed as unteachable at school because of being so absorbed in your own world and lacking understanding of everything and everyone around you and/or you presented with very challenging behavior because of your frustration and sensory issues.
*following on from the one above,in school you were made to sit at a table for unteachable kids,away from those they gave a damn about,and/or you were left seated in the head masters office on the floor rocking until home time when your parents collected you and punched you on the way out as they couldnt do anything with you.
*you were expelled or regulary suspended from school for severe challenging behavior,even if you were at a special school.
*you struggle to relate to a lot of aspies.
*you would love to have some sort of paid work but everyone looks at your autism and sees you as sweet and innocent in need of care instead of being serious like everyone else.
*you dont want to date other people as you lack interest in relationships with human beings,this might have lead to people calling you gay.
*you grew up without understanding people are different because your unique thinking and your visual perception makes you see people as the same piece of generic flesh.
*you use easy read/pictorial material to help you understand various topics, whether its something medical that affects you,or a social story,or a news letter etc.
*you struggle with the concept of empathy because of your unique way of seeing and understanding humans but you have learned deep sympathy and care deeply for animals,vulnerable people etc.
*you technically have a religeon and you might go to church/mosque/temple etc ,but you struggle to understand its concepts and it means very little to you because you cant understand.