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You might be an Aspie/Autie if?/Jokes

When you where a baby you didn't explore or put anything in your mouth but the second you got to school age you would bite your nails down too far and chew on anything you could

You would get lost of grocery stores because your parents walked away while you were engrossed looking package designs of produce or pantry items

Before you go anywhere you rehearse your scripts a research the place you are going too

You collect stickers with no intention of ever using them (they seem useless to me once they have been stuck somewhere)

You have talked to an authority like a peer and then was confused when you were reprimanded

Perfume or any other strong smell is too much for you to deal with

Your conversation starters where "fun facts" that were often way darker than the situation called for (every fact was introduced with a "fun fact" in a presenter voice)

Time does not seem to exist for you

All of your collections are neat but your room is a huge mess

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