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Your favorite comfort food/beverage?

Mountain Dew (caffeine).

I feel a bit less awful once I've had some.

If I HAVENT had any yet, dont get within 100 feet of me.
I love coffee. I'm addicted to it but fortunately I never go over 3 coffees per day and 3 is the maximum. However I can't go a day without my coffee cup. I'm so far up into it at this point that I don't even notice the 'nerves' thing. In fact I drink it to even calm myself down from my anxiety :laughing::tongueclosed:
Honestly one of my favourite drink is and has always been water. If I never could drink anything else, I would say I would probably not.
I think water is such a good taste. I cannot say anything else in the world tastes as good.
And if I could just live on water I would maybe.
My favourite food is vegetables.
But I have a real sweet tooth and I think i will always love donuts, cupcakes and like little tarts in moderation eg fruit tarts, neeish tarts.
I love fruit tarts because they are so cute and just one of the best.
Comfort food? probably pizza and coke.
But my favorite food has to be a good meat barbecue 'a las brasas', and some beer maybe.
i try not to drink alcohol because i am a person who seems to get addicted to stuff easily.
I grew up half an hour’s drive from the vineyards - for me a favourite beverage that verges on “comfort food” is a good glass of shiraz.
Food-wise, no individual dish springs to mind. Maybe chilli plays this role for me - I love spicy food. Right now I have over two dozen chilli-based or related sauces, pickles, condiments, powders or foods in the fridge or pantry.
Peanut butter. I eat it straight from the jar.
Avocado smoothies.
Tahini halva.
Roasted corn.
BBQ meat.
Tea. I'm a total teaoholic, and it it really bugs me how nearly everyone else in North America thinks coffee is better.
And with cookies, it's even better.

And spaghetti and meatballs, or almost any other dish with long stringy noodles.
Tea. I'm a total teaoholic, and it it really bugs me how nearly everyone else in North America thinks coffee is better.
And with cookies, it's even better.

And spaghetti and meatballs, or almost any other dish with long stringy noodles.
I like both tea and coffee but I definitely prefer coffee for my 'wake up' call. I have tea as a more soothing beverage even when it's caffeinated.

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