Truth be told, if I had made this list a year or so ago it would be a lot longer. I use to love A LOT of video games but now only a few still stand out as enjoyable for me. Chrono Trigger is my favorite console rpg but I don't feel like ever playing through it again. FF6 was my favorite FF. Here are my favorite (video)games of all time:
Shining Force 2 - best srpg ever in my opinion. FFT is fun but its way too limiting in my opinion and I like the style of games like SF2 and Fire Emblem more. I also think Tactics Ogre is superior gameplay wise to Tactics, but its still of the best FF games.
Demon Souls & Dark Souls
Ace Combat 4, 5 and Zero - best light sim arcade style jet games ever. 6 was fun but inferior to the PS2 games and Assault Horizon, while fun (great music, beautiful graphics) was obviously trying to appeal to a new type of crowd. The gunner and AC-130 sections were STUPID.
Fire Emblem 6: Sword of Seals- best story and units, the sequel is close behind it. The new 3ds game looks great!
Silent Hill 1,2, and 3- Arguably the last survival horror games ever. The Room was alright, I could just never finish it. Silent Hill as a series is long dead to me.
Starcraft - this includes the original, brood war and the sequel SC2. The only blizz IP I'm still interested in.
Pok?mon RBY - I love the whole series to a lesser extent but the first games were the best. I like many of the new Pok?mon but RB will always be what I think of when Pok?mon is mentioned.
Heretic and Hexen - my favorite Doom Clones ever, very fun games with great music and cool levels.
Might and Magic Series- I've played some of Mandate of Heaven and Darkside of Xeen but my real love is for the Heroes series, mainly 3. I love strategy games!
Devil Survivor - I rate this game over FFT. Honestly, I've played a lot of strategy games and this is STILL my favorite, trailing only behind Shining Force 2.
Honorable mention goes to the Shin Megami Tensei Series. They are challenging, but fun games full of awesome occult and mythological figures and the stories are always cool.