My favorite games of all time, of course it is impossible to choose just one so I'm glad the question is asked in the plural. Each of the games that was or are special to me enough to be 'favorite' are that way for different reasons, and service different parts of my soul. :3
They include but are not limited to (because I have a spotty memory)
Braid - PC
City of Heroes - PC (RIP)
Castlevania series - multiple platforms
Resident Evil series - multiple platforms, mostly PSX though (and any survival horror or zombie game- L4D series, Silent Hill etc)
Shadowrun - SNES
Secret of Evermore - SNES
Soul Blazer - SNES
Final Fantasy 2+3 (North American retail versions) - SNES
NARC - Arcade cabinet (it was sooo cheesy and that made it awesome, spent a lot of quarters on that one)
Act Raiser - SNES
Eternal Darkness - GC
Spyro series - PSX and GC
Blue Stinger - Dreamcast
Dungeon Keeper I+II - PC
There are probably a lot more but my mind is in a million different places right now as I have to go out soon. I made a list of my consoles and games collection if anyone was ever interested to chat about retro games, I love talking about old school gaming. It can be found here-
Le collection - (and it also needs updating, I am missing some titles). I don't have the greatest collection but I've never had a lot of money so I am pretty proud of what I do have, and that I've managed to keep them all these years.
I have also spent thousands of hours playing things like Phantasy Star Online, Diablo and D2, Quake/Doom especially 3A , WoW, and other coops on Steam but I wouldn't consider any of those my favorite, or games that really made a certain impact or that I get urges to play anymore really. They were fun for the time I spent but I don't really desire to go back and get into them again like I do with my favorites list. Part of that is probably because of the fact that they were designed to play with other people, so other people were most of the reason I enjoyed those games at the time. Or the reason I stopped enjoying them, heh.
I still play things like Terraria and Minecraft and some other coop games but I generally don't play with other people anymore because I'm a lot slower than I used to be and it's hard to find people who want to just goof around and not constantly steamroll through content, but also are good players. Meaning like, the players who have a certain skill level that I am on par with are also the ones that just want to blow through everything, and I don't want to do that. I like to explore, and build, take my time, have some fun relaxing and experimenting and all of that. But I am really terrible at teaching newer players how to do stuff. I hope to never have to explain the mechanics of 'strafe jumping' to anyone ever again. Lol.
I used to play very competitively in the 90s/00s especially with games like Quake3A, and I played pretty competitively in WoW and a couple of other games. I'd love to chat about the old school gaming scene with respect to e-sport, if anyone else around here was playing competitively in that era. I'm way too nostalgic lately.
Unfortunately I can't take games as seriously in a competition sense these days because I have arthritis and other old folk problems in my 40s, hehe. So it's just for fun now.