When I was little I had a long list of things I didn't like..
I totally hated bananas, for their texture only!
I had a difficult relationship with mushrooms, I loved the harder kind and absolutely hated the soft ones (I apologise for this primitive description but I'm not sure how they're called in English, i think there was something about gills, so maybe it's mushrooms with gills and without gills, hmm...), again for the texture.
I hated soup and broth but my parents were insisting as apparently it was good for me, so the only way I could eat it was with really a lot of bread!
I learned to eat now all those things but there is still a little sensory issue going on any time I eat them.
Cooked veggies were my nightmare, hated them!
Onions... both parts - nope!
Well, I was lucky, my mom didn't push me too much to eat things I didn't like and she tried to put to the minimum the things I didn't like. Instead, she tried to cook them in a way I could eat them, so I could have a balanced diet, and only when I was a teenager I could fully appreciate what she was doing.
When we were living for a few months with my aunt's family, she (my aunt) was telling my mom that she was spoiling me and my sister, trying to make what we like... I was terrified seeing how she was yelling at her own kids to eat whatever she cooked, and they were heroes because what she cooked wasn't edible, not for my taste anyway..
As for the liver, I actually liked it but only when cooked till the point of becoming rubbery, the soft and tender one that everyone was praising, was just disgusting to me.
The list would go on and on, but you get the idea..