I never dream in a way which I wake up and remember the dream. It's never happened in my entire life. Sometimes I wake up and I know I must have been dreaming but I just don't remember. What are dreams really? Are they a response to very spicy food late at night, being extremely stressed and tired, or just the brain trying to sort out the days events in anticipation of another days worth of events coming? This was a great question, Pink Jazz ... and the responses range from interesting to startling. I would like to elaborate on that and say it would be interesting to know what Aspies think in regard to why we dream? I'll go search the AC archival vault. I have to think this has come up many times.
Yeah, I've wondered about this myself as well. The one reason I'm sure it ISNT though is the whole "oh it's just cataloging the day's events".
Dreams I have tend to be on the ultra-bizarre side. Twisted geometry, impossible landscapes, the laws of physics and logic completely shattered. Vibrantly screwed-up places/things. Like, I had one dream where there was just this.... house thing. Really long structure, kinda twisted. Most houses are on the ground. THIS one was floating in a void, except the void was purple/pink jagged stripes that sorta kept jumping around (???). No gravity, you could get around the outside of the house by sort of pulling yourself by grabbing parts of the thing. After opening what I can only imagine was supposed to be a door of some sort, it just leads to this infinite space filled with shining silver orbs and twisting stringy things.
I dunno about you, but I've never encountered anything quite like that in my day-to-day life. But dreams like whatever the hell that was are common enough for me that there's no surprise to them anymore. Instead of "WTF WAS THAT?!?" upon waking up, it's more like "oh, that sort of thing again, okay". Oddly, these dreams almost never have anything to do with anyone/anything I know IRL. And even on the rare occaision that someone I know is in one, they're still in the warped bizarro-worlds, not anything remotely resembling reality.
There are days when I will wake up, and not really remember the dream. Other days, like the one listed, where I'll not only remember, but it'll be a strong memory that doesnt fade. And the weirdest sort, where it's a full memory... but only for about 30 minutes. It fades despite me being aware of it doing so, which is even weirder than it sounds. Usually not all the way, but still faded.
As it is though I dream frequently enough that I cant quite imagine never remembering one, as you mention.
But I definitely wonder what sorts of dreams others have. Surely I'm not the only crazy one....