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Your obsessions when you were a child? (Or your child's obsessions?)

Forgot a huge obsession -- Star Wars. But then again, weren't a lot of kids growing up in the '70s obsessed with Star Wars? Or did that not start until 1983 when Return of the Jedi came out, with Princess Leia in that chain-mail bikini?? :)
Dogs. When I was around 4 years old, I got really obsessed with dogs. I collected a bunch of dog/puppy stuff. I don't know if this was related to the obsession, but I used to pretend to be a dog and crawl on my hands and knees, barking at people.
Powerpuff Girls. Collected the merchandise, drew them all the time, watched every episode... I remember, my teacher at the time used to have everyone draw and write their own stories, then staple them together into little storybooks. I think it was to practice our spelling, among other things. Anyway, I used to always draw the Powerpuff Girls for my 'stories'.
Anime. This lasts a little into now, but I used to spend hours watching every episode of the anime shows that used to give on Toonami. I used to draw the various characters non-stop, collected a bunch of their various merchandise, and played all of the games I could get my hands on. Pokemon, Dragon Ball (Z/GT), YuYu Hakusho, Hamtaro...
Movies. I usually get hooked on one movie for a certain time, and I'll watch it non-stop, every day for weeks. Like, when I was smaller, I got so obsessed with the movie The Mask with Jim Carrey, and I watched it everyday when I came home, and I could recite the entire script. Even now, I recently got obsessed with the cartoon movie Tangled, and I watched it and replayed it every day. :lol2: I also remember having a vcr cassette on CatDog and the Rugrats, and I'd watch it all the time until it was committed to memory.
When I was little I had two main obsessions one with the Carebears (which probably laid the ground work for the teddy bear obsession later in life) and GhostBusters. I knew everything there was to know about them. All their names and a lot of the toys I had. I still have three ring binders put away with the stuff. As I got older things changed to other obsessions but I always express them in the same ways. Then I moved onto Star Wars, Stargate (still obsessed with that), Macgyver ( was so obsessed with that show i wanted to be Macgyver I knew everything there was to know about it and so much so that my mom made sure I got the DVD's when they came out... geez just starting to think of them all...so many.
Horses and Greek mythology. My obsession with mythology eventually extended to antiquities in general, and I wanted to be an Egyptologist when I grew up.

Your obsession w/MacGyver sounds like my obsession with an '80s TV series -- Airwolf. First off, I loved that helicopter...all those weapons and computers and stuff...then they brought in the character of Caitlin O'Shannessy (Jean Bruce Scott) in the 2nd season...and that cinched it...like you w/MacGyver, I have all the "original" Airwolf DVD's (I don't count the fourth and final season, because they either killed or "disappeared" the entire cast--Dominic Santini was killed, Stringfellow Hawke was injured in the explosion that killed Dom, and his brother Saint John took String back to his cabin (Presumably to die, although it's never confirmed)...and Caitlin and "Archangel" simply disappeared off the face of the earth. :S

Your obsession w/MacGyver sounds like my obsession with an '80s TV series -- Airwolf. First off, I loved that helicopter...all those weapons and computers and stuff...then they brought in the character of Caitlin O'Shannessy (Jean Bruce Scott) in the 2nd season...and that cinched it...like you w/MacGyver, I have all the "original" Airwolf DVD's (I don't count the fourth and final season, because they either killed or "disappeared" the entire cast--Dominic Santini was killed, Stringfellow Hawke was injured in the explosion that killed Dom, and his brother Saint John took String back to his cabin (Presumably to die, although it's never confirmed)...and Caitlin and "Archangel" simply disappeared off the face of the earth. :S


Aren't shows like that fun? I want to watch that show now that you were talking about. Heh I can understand being upset about certain seasons with a show. I shunned Stargate for 2.5 seasons when they killed Daniel Jackson (then they brought him back) soo I watched it again after forgiving them which took me another year or so. Once I find a show I like I get obsessed with it.

Oh and by the way I like your sig. its very appropriate.

Aren't shows like that fun? I want to watch that show now that you were talking about. Heh I can understand being upset about certain seasons with a show. I shunned Stargate for 2.5 seasons when they killed Daniel Jackson (then they brought him back) soo I watched it again after forgiving them which took me another year or so. Once I find a show I like I get obsessed with it.

Oh and by the way I like your sig. its very appropriate.

Yeah, they are definitely fun--Airwolf, like I said, started off interesting me because of the subject matter--"a Mach-1 plus helicopter, that can kick butt." (From the series premiere, said by Marella, "Archangel's" aide, who, weirdly enough, never had a last name)--but when they brought in Caitlin, that was it. I mean, I blame (or maybe I don't) that show, and the character of Caitlin, for turning me on to redheads--and I've been married to a redhead for the past 17 years. :) But I couldn't forgive the show for killing off practically the entire original cast. (Granted, we never knew what happened to String...or Caitlin...although in the world of fan fiction, Caitlin was waiting for String (as his wife) at his cabin, to nurse him back to health. (RIGHT!) :)

Can't take credit for the sig...that was a line of Jim Carrey's in Batman Forever--but I loved it, and it is very appropriate. :P
Yeah, they are definitely fun--Airwolf, like I said, started off interesting me because of the subject matter--"a Mach-1 plus helicopter, that can kick butt." (From the series premiere, said by Marella, "Archangel's" aide, who, weirdly enough, never had a last name)--but when they brought in Caitlin, that was it. I mean, I blame (or maybe I don't) that show, and the character of Caitlin, for turning me on to redheads--and I've been married to a redhead for the past 17 years. :) But I couldn't forgive the show for killing off practically the entire original cast. (Granted, we never knew what happened to String...or Caitlin...although in the world of fan fiction, Caitlin was waiting for String (as his wife) at his cabin, to nurse him back to health. (RIGHT!) :)

Can't take credit for the sig...that was a line of Jim Carrey's in Batman Forever--but I loved it, and it is very appropriate. :P

I get so caught up in tv shows some times. I do like them though. Heh its funny how that works. Yah...I got that way over Daniel Jackson in Stargate....I was so angry with them for it but apparently I wasn't the only one because they brought him back right away. Plus the actor who played him in tv series was also in Andromeda as Gabrielle an AI that was not really evil but just had a twisted view on the world...heh don't we all. What usually gets you hooked on a show? For me its often a really geeky person. for example: Daniel Jackson from Stargate, Harper from Andromeda, or even Reid from Criminal Minds.
I get so caught up in tv shows some times. I do like them though. Heh its funny how that works. Yah...I got that way over Daniel Jackson in Stargate....I was so angry with them for it but apparently I wasn't the only one because they brought him back right away. Plus the actor who played him in tv series was also in Andromeda as Gabrielle an AI that was not really evil but just had a twisted view on the world...heh don't we all. What usually gets you hooked on a show? For me its often a really geeky person. for example: Daniel Jackson from Stargate, Harper from Andromeda, or even Reid from Criminal Minds.

Talk about getting caught up in TV shows...if I had a dollar for every time I yelled KISS HER, YOU TWIT!! at the TV when I was watching Airwolf, I would be so filthy, stinking rich... :D

But seriously, the things that usually get me hooked on a show are--if there's a really pretty girl as one of the main/supporting characters (and it's even better if it's a redhead!)--I once said that's why I never got hooked on JAG, even though the character of Harm was a fighter pilot--oops...make that a naval aviator. But there weren't any redheads, for Pete's sake!! (At least, not as a main character, like Meg, or Mac.)

If that doesn't work, something that ties in with one of my obsessions (space flight, computers, military tech) will usually get me hooked (although there have been exceptions, like JAG.) But that pretty much explains why I got hooked on Airwolf and Knight Rider. (Good-looking women and a smart-aleck computerized car...what's not to love for a geek/nerd like me?? :D
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Talk about getting caught up in TV shows...if I had a dollar for every time I yelled KISS HER, YOU TWIT!! at the TV when I was watching Airwolf, I would be so filthy, stinking rich... :D

But seriously, the things that usually get me hooked on a show are--if there's a really pretty girl as one of the main/supporting characters (and it's even better if it's a redhead!)--I once said that's why I never got hooked on JAG, even though the character of Harm was a fighter pilot--oops...make that a naval aviator.--no redheads!!

If that doesn't work, something that ties in with one of my obsessions (space flight, computers, military tech) will usually get me hooked (although there have been exceptions, like JAG. But that pretty much explains why I got hooked on Airwolf and Knight Rider. (Good-looking women and a smart-aleck computerized car...what's not to love for a geek/nerd like me?? :D

Giggle. I understand completely. I usually get sucked into shows like that because of the same kinds of things geeky computer techy guys, with smart girls (love Rommie and Trance). I loved Young Knight Riders (the redo of Knight rider). Me too that is what usually draws me in to a show. I still watch CareBears (which for me actually still helps me figure out my feelings I know that sounds weird but its easier for me). I also hope the pics of my dolls don't scare anyone (I know that dolls can be scary for some people).
Until I was about eight, I was obsessed with cars. I had a ton of toy cars, and memorized the make and model. Whenever we went to Wal-Mart, I would ask the cashier what kind of car he/she drove, the color, if it was automatic or stick shift, etc. They all thought it was so cute.
My obsessions were cars not just make and model but the mechanical/hot rodding aspect of them. My first full tune up without supervision was 8yrs old.
Electronics especially audio (speakers,turntables,tape decks,mixers and other sound effect equipment)
Everything sci-fi & fantasy: Space 1999, Doctor Who, Battlestar Galactica and books like Dune, The lord of the rings trilogy.
Dj stuff like scratchin and dubbing.
Ancient History
World War 2:playfull:
Oh god, cars. I was so obsessed with them. I had hundreds of toy cars and memorized all heir name. I would line them all up bumper-to-bumper throughout the house in "traffic jams." I'd also ask cashiers at Wal-Mart what kind of car they drove, and if it was automatic or stick shift, etc.
By "Battlestar Galactica," do you mean the remake, or the original (Lorne Greene, Dirk Benedict, etc.)?

I'll see your World War II, agree with it, and raise you--my obsession with military history goes from WWII all the way to the present--including the Cuban Missile Crisis, both Gulf Wars, etc. Basically just about any action (whether a declared war or not) that the U.S. military has been involved in. :)
Until I was about eight, I was obsessed with cars. I had a ton of toy cars, and memorized the make and model. Whenever we went to Wal-Mart, I would ask the cashier what kind of car he/she drove, the color, if it was automatic or stick shift, etc. They all thought it was so cute.

Kinda similar, and yet not, to my obsession with military aircraft, specifically U.S. military aircraft. I can tell you what their role is, what type of aircraft it is (bomber, fighter, attack, etc.), what armaments it carries (if any), speed, etc.
Until I was 8 years old, I loved drawing, and I can draw non-stop from dawn to dusk.

I always have this nagging feeling that my parents do not understand my visual talents, hindered by my motor skills, and hence, I don't feel like this gift was developed as much as I thought I could achieve.
The original Battlestar Galactica was my favorite! I always wanted a cylon outfit and this Lucifer prop would be awesome too! 2717951011_889a2823ca_z.webpbsg_original_2.webp
I like almost all US military history although my favorites are WW2 and the Civil War. I also love the history of naval warfare from
broad sides to present.:bounce:
re: Battlestar Galactica--Cool. Don't even get me started about all the ways they screwed up the original when they did the remake. :banghead:

I like naval warfare, too--especially carrier aviation, but I research all facets of naval warfare. :bounce:
Several. My first was dinosaurs though. I knew so much about various different species and could pronounce the multi-syllable, Latin names better than some adults despite being 5-6 years old.
Several. My first was dinosaurs though. I knew so much about various different species and could pronounce the multi-syllable, Latin names better than some adults despite being 5-6 years old.

I went through a dino-obsession phase, too...except mine waited until I was 9. But, like you, I could pronounce the multi-syllable Latin names. :)

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