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  • I replaced potato chips with raw vegetables and hummus. I measure out the hummus so I don’t eat too many calories. I no longer miss potato chips. Screw you, Ruffles!
    Feeling insomnia, probably due to refined sugar withdrawal.
    After being at this ste, it was helpful to understand we as a tribe suffer from insomnia along with a host of other "stuffs". Face it, your life will always be complicated, even without your screwed up mommy vampire
    I've found high fructose sugar to be one of the toughest to avoid. Seems to be found anywhere and everywhere....ugh. But it's worth it if and when you are suffering from gout.
    I wish it were mango season. Fresh mango slices sound nice.
    They have mangoes at the Aldi near me, which is making me wonder do you have any mangoes at all near you? (Not sure how they got them btw.)
    We buy mangos year around in FL. l just bought 6 today. Now if l could get them to import Cali avocados.
    I decided to stop eating blue cheese dressing with my veggie sticks. I bought some hummus to try out with them instead.
    Honestly. Hummus is a healthier alternative for sure. Store bought blue cheese dressing, as good as it is, has a chemical lab in it. Who knows what you are putting in your body.
    Can we drop the profanity filter here for a single post I want to make? I want to write hate mail to whatever deity that decided to add gout to the human condition.

    Something like that?
    Pretty much.
    For Bacchus was the wine god, and wine and red meat have historically been what crippled up a lot of older gourmands.
    Jokes aside I hope your gout feels better soon--that cannot be fun.
    I feel like frolicking through sunny fields of flowers, but it is freezing outside and I can barely walk today. What should I do with all of this energy I want to spend?
    Did you ever try writing a movie script?
    I could write a movie adaptation of In Human Bondage, of course that might make me feel less sorry for myself right now.
    I don’t know why I keep returning to Nine Inch Nails’ The Downward Spiral album, when parts of it make me cry every time I hear them.
    There is likely a emotional attachment to the meaning of the songs that you have. Something you hold in your heart.

    For me. Slipknot's We Are Not Your Kind album has alot of songs that hold emotional importance to me. As alot of them are about depression, anxiety, and the cruelty of people you know.
    I just started allopurinol a couple of days ago, now my left knee is acting up. The doctor said this might happen. Thank the Lord for the 3-day weekend, I will keep taking it as prescribed, but THIS SUCKS! W#%^#$^%#^$#^$!!!!!!
    I want a romantic night out, but I am currently single. Boo hoo hoo, sob sob sob, time for me to be a gay incel, or maybe I should just get out more instead.
    Look positively at your situation. You have more time to work on you rather than to struggle interacting with others. Which more often than not, is in fact a struggle for so many of us on the spectrum.
    I just heard a relative tell me not to go to a certain campground this summer because it is like a party with a lot of loud music and pot smoking and that would "make me miserable". Do these people really know me?
    Maybe they've been watching too much Adam-12.
    I've heard some similar rumours about the Glastonbury festival. I've heard everyone that goes there wanders around in a perpetual state of misery. They always seem so happy when it's over.
    Back to the office now, my left wrist is still in some pain, maybe if I chainsawed off my left arm then my wrist would be the least of my problems.
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