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  • Here is an update. My meds got readjusted a couple of hours ago. I really was frigging crazy the last couple of days. And a lot of that was likely chemical.
    With the mess of the last few days you don't need a medication problem on top of that. Glad you got it situated. The forum needs you & we're all glad you're here.
    Meds gone wrong can be really freaking harsh. Been there before. Have you come down from it a bit, then? Less intense?
    I started my increased dosage of my anxiety meds that my nurse practitioner prescribed. Only for me to have some complications myself. I feel calm. But I felt horrible, like I was sick, when I woke up today.
    My deep depression is driving people away from me. I should start pretending everything is OK and start saving my sadness for my therapist sessions instead.
    I thought you were going to consult your psychiatrist re: medication review.
    Did that happen?
    Or is it scheduled?
    It is scheduled.
    I just want to quit my job and spend my remaining days playing games.
    That does sound nice. You could start a post on what would you spend all your time doing, might be interesting. I love cooking, l love movies, l love writing, specially, character development.
    Seeing as my days alive are numbered, I may as well enjoy what little time I have left.
    Right on that, live your life for you, not trying to pacify or please parents or friends or partners. l have had to relearn that a couple of times over.
    I am going to slow down on my movie buying and save up for Uber rides to social events. Starting right now. All the movies in the world do nothing to ease my isolation.
    I just severed ties with a couple of people who were more concerned about me being concerned than they were about the crap going on in the world these days. I am crazy because I am worried about my future livelihood? Forget those people.
    Stop the world, I want to step off. The vacuum of space. The endless abyss of nothingness.
    Frankly, I don't have the strength to go to work every day, and then go home to spend every afternoon, evening and weekend in isolation. I can't keep this up any longer.
    All hope is lost. Evil has won. Might as well end my life now before they get around to it.
    Tell me. Do YOU think these works are evil? Or is it because others around you say so?

    A mind influenced by the words of others, can be a troubling thing sometimes. Especially if those words are laced in hidden malicious intent.

    But nothing is worth the cost of suicide.
    It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees. -Emiliano Zapata, Mexican revolutionary

    The way I interpret that is to go out fighting in a blaze of glory is far better than killing yourself in a dark room out of fear. Fear makes you live (and die) on your knees, while courage lets you die a noble death.
    I want to feel peace within myself, but instead I feel a lack of hope. I feel defeated. I am defeated.
    May you embody the phoenix, and rise again.

    To quote Ben Folds - You know what hope is, hope is a bastard, hope is a liar, a cheat and a tease. Hope comes near you, kick its backside, got no place in days like these.
    I shall take Benadryl at all hours I am not at my job from now on. Sleep my life away. I find pleasure in my dreams. Not so much in the real world anymore.
    Life has no meaning. Life has no purpose. We are put here to suffer, except for those lucky few who are evil enough to claw their way over all of the others and dance over the corpses of those who believe in the illusion of decent morality.
    I end my sobriety when I get paid tomorrow. There is no point in trying to build myself up any longer.
    Sorry to read you are feeling down. I had to assert myself recently and say don't be disrespectful. It was upsetting, but l just powered thru.
    Tacos and non-alcoholic beer for lunch on my paid day off today. And with my Xbox keeping me company, I am set.
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