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  • I wish I could run away from toxic ties completely, start life anew on another shore with the help of my chosen family, maybe if I win the Powerball jackpot I can make that happen.
    I need coffee. Lots of coffee. Black as my soul and heart. Bitter as my spirit. Energizing as a bunny that is charged with battery.
    I just watched Wong Kar Wai’s In the Mood for Love. That is truly a perfect movie. I feel like watching it over again immediately.
    Hundreds of Beavers is available for free with ads on YouTube, and is also available without ads on Prime Video. Check out the best comedic film ever made.
    Thanks for mentioning it on here. I watched it after you first recommended it and haven't seen anything like that before. It's quite good.,
    I feel a strong desire for liberation from bitterness and rage.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    Bitterness is the cousin of resentment, and you do not want that. Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.
    One of my favorite Calvin and Hobbes strips! Calvin’s dad’s snarl looks funny!
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    I have the Complete Calvin and Hobbes, 3 volumes. I am slowly completing the daily's and Sunday's of POGO, a multi-volume set. My favorite comic from Jr. high school on.
    What does this taste like? Is it actually like beer? I detest the taste of alcohol, but feel left out in social drinking situations.
    Earlier today, my doctor said he thinks I may not have clinical depression - I may have hypothyroidism instead.
    Tomorrow will be a battery of blood tests to rule a bunch of different things out. Couldn't do it today because I had breakfast.
    I had a seizure early this morning. I now have a doctor appointment early tomorrow to see what is going on there. This is concerning.
    Hopefully this is a isolated incident and not a sign of something more serious.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I never had one, thank God, but my friends get them all the time. I worry.
    someone i used to be friends in high school, me and him went our separate ways 20 years ago, i wasn't in contact with him in anyway in his last days, but i found out that he passed away this past September, on the 22nd, and he had epilepsy, one of my middle school friends attended his funeral and he told me the story was that, he had a seizure while about to shower, and fell down and hit his head on the shower floor.
    Muscles burning. I did a high intensity workout. I will definitely feel this tomorrow morning. Sipping ice water right now.
    Was the spider radioactive?
    Could this be the reason for your increased motivation?
    Have you developed web casting abilities yet? 🤔
    Doing some cardio workouts in a few minutes from now. I need to make that a daily thing from now on. My belly is not going to lose itself.
    Forget the predators that allowed to have full access to my time and money because at the time I did not believe I deserved better than that. I hope Theresa spends some time in a woman’s prison over all of her illegal trespassing.
    Clinical depression sucks. I know life is good but my brain is telling me to stuff all positivity, I wish forgetting that noise was easier than it actually is.
    Yup, knowing and feeling are very different. I think of it as having multiple parts of my brain.
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