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  • I have found that putting on a little white noise on my speaker makes it easier for me to sleep.
    I leave the television on, frequently all night. Low.
    I find YouTube live videos of raindrop sounds helpful.
    When I was a child, I thought a carpool was something like a jacuzzi inside of a stretch limo.
    That sounds creative but it also sounds like it would slosh a lot when cornering and be very heavy on the tires and suspension. Interesting concept.
    This has been done. I can't post a link unfortunately. Dog V4 sends a hug btw.
    I can live my life however the hell I want to live it. I have that power.
    Every action in life has consequences. Doing nothing is also an action that has consequences. The ball really is in your court.
    The thing that hurts the most about my life is knowing that nobody in my blood family will ever take a single word I say seriously.
    I am going to write some film reviews this weekend. And I am also going to go on a long walk tomorrow morning. Time for me to live how I want to live, forget my family, they are sick people.
    I wish I had some marijuana right now. Some cannabis indica. Let me ride the “in da couch” train.
    Soda is legitimately tougher for me to give up than alcohol. No hyperbole there. This feeling will pass. I have too much pride to give in now.
    I started with sugarless decaffeinated sodas, and over time moved onto opening them up in the fridge to reduce their carbonation, then went to fruit juices cut 50% with water. Now I rarely have a Coke...but at least I'm no longer hooked on soda.
    Today sucks for me. Here’s hoping for a better tomorrow. What I am going through today will pass. Eventually. Bloody hell.
    I feel like I need a can of Mountain Dew right this very second. I shall continue to deprive myself of the poison that the corporations intentionally make as addictive as humanly possible.
    It gets easier over time. I usually don't even like the taste anymore on the rare occasion that I do try to drink a soft drink.
    I am thinking of starting a brutal death metal band. It starts with the most brutal band name ever - Blowtorch Penectomy. Our stage shows will involve over 5,000 gallons of fake blood a minute.
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