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  • I wish I had a bowl of hot chicken noodle soup right now. Along with a cup of hot herbal tea. And a warm blanket. But I am at the office and I have to wait to get home before I do these things.
    I gained 10lbs since the tragedy of a little over a month ago. Eating and drinking tons of sugar to try to kill the pain. No more shall I walk down that road.
    10 lbs isn't that bad. Just jump back on your plan. Sorry to read you have suffered more pain. Hope you are able to push on and feel more like yourself. Like the member who enjoy movies, gaming, great food!
    Sugary soda is actually liquid poison. My belly will thank me eventually for giving it up. It scares me how many calories I was consuming daily from that alone.
    Plus it's horrible for our teeth. l have a sugary drink maybe once a year. This year l had two hot chocolates, one root beer drink. But l did eat cookies, and pastries which are full of crap. :(
    Sugar withdrawal is very real, and the only way out is through. I am drinking water and unsweetened herbal tea, trying to eliminate my soda habit once and for all.
    Sugar withdrawal is real. Sugar causes release of dopamine to the brain. Eating it regularly reduces the amount the body makes. Stop eating sugar = major side effects. Dopamine is part of the reward and motivation processes in the brain, also good mood and concentration. The body will start making more on its own again, but it takes time
    I think you are doing great Metalhead! Its tough work to quit sugar... keep up the good work! It pays off in the end in many ways!
    I scrubbed down and decluttered most of my house today. Tomorrow, I will tackle my bedroom and the bedroom closet. Then I will have a completely clean house to simply maintain.
    It feels so good to have a perfectly maintained place. I have 2 rooms that need organization. l have some furniture to put together to tackle "stuffs'.
    I prefer being sober over being drunk. I am a more skilled gamer when I am not drinking an absurd amount of beer.
    I just watched the uncut music video for Pearl Jam’s Jeremy. I had a visceral physical reaction to it because I related to it all too terribly well.
    I feel like I want a turkey drumstick and a mountain of mashed potatoes, a mashed potato volcano with gravy lava. That's a ton of carbs I don't need.
    I had a bad nightmare that really stoked up my anxiety. I consumed entirely too much sugar yesterday but it seems to have done the trick. Sometimes you can't beat a bit of good old fashioned comfort eating :-)
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    I always thought of Easter as a Polish Thanksgiving. Borscht, Pierogies; potato & cheese, or mushrooms & sauerkraut, Fresh Kielbasa roasted and sliced into fried sauerkraut, Smoked Kielbasa, Golabkis, Cheese Blintzes for dessert.
    I've never had a Thanksgiving dinner.
    I am getting some images in my head about fisting a dead bird's butt with handfuls of bread. 🤣
    All to thank the Native peoples of Massachusetts for keeping the English colonizers from starving, which the English happily repaid them for by slaughtering them out of existence and burning the bodies in a big bonfire while praying thanks to their god for their victory. That is pretty much the story of colonial/indigenous relations until about 1900 CE. But hey, turkey meat is only available once a year, so dig in.
    I spent the last four hours lying in bed wide awake. I guess I should get out of bed and pick up my place a bit.
    Does that mean you didn't sleep at all?
    When was the last time you slept?
    I slept Sunday night for several hours. I have no idea why I got less than an hour of sleep last night.
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