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  • I want some indica today. I guess I probably should find better ways to spend a Sunday afternoon.
    You could make some cookies. (Not a hint about putting weed or whatever in them.)
    Or some other pleasant rewarding activity....
    I want to party all weekend long. Get some Mary Jane. A mirrorball. Some disco biscuits. Revive Donna Summer. Bring back the Village People. Buy a leisure suit. Get rejected at the door at Club 54 until I bribe the bouncer with a billion dollars. Not remember what happens next.
    I just started watching Interspecies Reviewers. Wow, probably the dumbest anime I have ever seen.
    Lately i am also struggling to find anime worth watching, some of them are very dumb indeed
    Legit reasons? Do you mean like not having your sin washed away, not surrendering to Jesus...?
    I've always thought that we are standing on it. No place to go when we're already there. :rolleyes:
    A bomb cyclone is set to hit my area tonight. Friends in Portland are already feeling it. I have blankets, canned food, bottled water and a flashlight and working charged cell phone.
    I feel like hiking a long nature trail, but lack of transportation is making that difficult for me. Maybe I should see if there are any local gay hiking groups out there.
    Which of these movies should I watch this weekend?
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    Girl you know it's true, is that Milli Vanilli? 😀 I had forgotten about them.
    I feel like making myself a couple of turkey drumsticks, mashed potatoes, and a side veggie for my solo Thanksgiving this year.
    I am currently looking at some advocacy volunteer applications. I am certain my experience as a secretary will come in handy here. Forget self pity. Forget alcohol. Forget marijuana. Forget escapism. Time for me to hold my ground and fight those who wish to see me disappear.
    Misty Avich
    That's great to hear, I hope you do find something positive to do that you deserve, rather than go down the self-destructive road
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