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  • Should I get some candy to hand out on Halloween night? Some mini chocolate bars? Chances are if I did that, most of them would end up in my belly since I don't get many trick or treaters in my neighborhood.
    Maybe plastic spider rings? Or something like that?
    I really do want to buy some mini Snickers bars. But then again, I do not need them.
    I wish Halloween was on Friday night, so I can stay up super late and not have to worry about going to work the next morning.
    At least adults can manage the weather better at night on Halloween. I always feel for the kids here who end up having to do their trick-or-treating in the cold rain. Much like I did in Edmonds, WA about a million years ago.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    It will next year.Yeah I love when it's on a Friday
    I managed to raise $1k for Seattle Children's Hospital this year - my best year yet. If anybody here wants to watch me stream this weekend, please let me know.
    Wow well done!!!
    That’s awesome! Good job raising money :)
    You will be seeing a lot less of me over the next month. I gotta avoid certain corners of the Internet like the plagues they are.
    Just stay safe, continue exercising, eating healthy and trying to focus on the positives.
    Seriously, social media is contributing to the rise of intellectual disabilities in the world's population, and the world will go to Hell because of that more than anything else. This is how mankind ends.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    Mankind survived a bubonic plague and two world wars, I'm sure we'll get through social media too. :) Mankind is resilient.
    Mankind will fall like a guillotine. That is the impression I get from looking at social media. Damn it, outrage is too addictive. I need to remove myself from certain parts of the Internet. And certain cesspools of humanity.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    It would be a little weird if we didn't get through it. Survived bubonic plague epidemic, killed by facebook. 🤔 Doesn't sound right.
    I feel like I want to eat a baked potato. Mmmmm. Carbs.
    Carbs always sound good. The problem is that just sticking a potato in the oven is often too much effort, so it's chips and cake for me.
    I feel like I want an Oktsoberfest. Dancing, music and German food without all the alcohol.
    A trip to Aldi and a message to any friends should get you started for something like that at home. They're pretty decent about an interesting grocery selection. And yes, we probably should, as humans, party more.
    As it turns out, my body needs to intensely burn energy in order to gain more energy. I will do a regular workout routine from now on. This energy boost is worth the sore muscles.
    I feel like getting a milkshake, but I do not need the calories.
    Have you tried a bunch of bananas just barely frozen in a blender with a low fat yogurt mixed in, will have a thick shake mouth feel.
    I wanted to get caught up on my outreach calls at work today, but unfortunately, the phone lines are down in my office's area. I don't like doing outreach calls generally, which is why I want to get them done first and out of the way.
    It is 2:50am on a Saturday morning and I really wish I had a bottle of bourbon on me now.
    This 'craving' may be related to blood sugar fluctuation.
    Keep off the carbs...as much as possible...
    I feel like I am recovering. I coughed a lot when I woke up this morning, but a shot of DayQuil was enough to end that. I am looking forward to returning to the office on Monday.
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