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  • Ramen is good for now. Shin Gold is my favorite brand of stovetop ramen noodles.
    The most popular here by a very large margin is:

    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    When working and traveling in Indonesia I really enjoyed having freshly cooked Mi Goreng, and then there is fried rice, Nasi Goreng. For breakfast I liked to have Congee with green onions, dried shrimp, and hot peppers.
    I am taking care of myself now. I will recover from this. It just sucks at the moment. Other people have things much worse. I am grateful for modern healthcare.
    Stayed home today because I am coughing up a storm. Took some NyQuil and slept for a few hours. This is not good.
    I pray you get to feeling better.
    I hope you feel better. Sending some good energy your way 🌈
    I am feeling better than I did this morning. I guess I needed to sleep more of the cold off. Although I am starting to feel some congestion in my chest.
    I feel like making homemade mole enchiladas for dinner this upcoming weekend. With some virgin pina coladas on the side.
    Feeling better now, after a weekend of sleeping a bug away. I am back at the office now. I feel like I could use another cup of black coffee.
    I spent most of the weekend sleeping and not watching anything after all. I must have really needed that, since my head cold is mostly gone now.
    Please send me some healing energy. I have a head cold, and I want to be well enough to go back to work on Monday morning. Cold medicine is helping, though.
    Movies and games now fail to distract me from the fact that I am spending this weekend completely alone with my thoughts and memories.
    Chain Breaker, Zach Williams (2018, Harding Prison)
    I hate vile people who perpetrate boundary violations and then pretend they are the victims when they are called out on it.
    I wish I had some Gatorade or something like that. I get cranky when I get dehydrated.
    True, I did say that. I took a long nap when I got home and woke up feeling groggy. I am drinking tap water now.
    Water is better for you than sugary drinks anyway.
    I always keep some of the non-sugared version given the electrolytes.
    Looking forward to a weekend of video gaming and horror movies. I have Diet Mountain Dew in my fridge. I have veggie sticks in my fridge. I have safe tap drinking water, which is more than too many people in the world can claim to have.
    What games are you playing? I want to play resident evil this weekend I think.
    Coffee is liquid motivation. Coffee is life. Coffee is the fuel for the soul.
    Coffee is also good to keep your purine levels down. Did you know that? ;)
    I am feeling a very intense craving for beer. It will pass eventually if I do not give in.
    Have you tried different kinds of the carbonated water that’s so popular these days? Sometimes they taste a little like beer to me. (Soliel brand) Or would that make the craving worse?
    Mr. Stevens
    Wise choice :) That's a great way to look at things.
    I think it's a really big step further into sobriety to be able to identify and express this. 🌈
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