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  • I am at the office now and I feel like crying, but I must refrain from doing so. Nobody IRL really cares about how I feel.
    Sending you a virtual hug, buddy.
    I cried in front of my supervisor today.
    Not a full on cry, just tears that stayed in my eyes.
    But I couldn't hide them or hold them in.
    The only people in my life who place any value in having me around are the people at my job. Nobody else really needs me in their life, as proven by how commonly people drop plans with me the second something more interesting comes around.
    Sadly this is also what i felt when i was working at my last job. Someone to be used for her useful qualities
    Flying back home in a few hours from now. I had a brilliant time, now it is time for me to go back to being a responsible adult.
    I really do have great friends out here in Michigan. We are unable to do a lot of what we wanted to do during my vacation, but just being around them is good enough for me.
    I don’t mind road trips usually, but I don’t like them when there’s three other people, a dog and several tons of luggage in the car with me.
    Is the dog by any chance a Saint Bernard?
    Nope, it is a German Shepherd.
    I’m in love with myself, because nobody else has fallen in love with me. (I probably should not even make jokes like that. Yet here I am.)
    I am so excited about tomorrow that I am worried I won’t be able to get much sleep tonight and I have one more work shift before my vacation begins.
    58 hours from now I will be on a jet plane to my friends in Michigan. Yes, I actually am counting down the hours now. I am that happily excited about my vacation coming up.
    Have the very best time there!
    Wow, like a get on the plane real vacation? Have too much fun, just for the hell of it.
    After such a long wait, it is finally here. Bon voyage! Hope you have a stupendous trip.
    I want to dive into my bed and take a swan dive into nocturnal whatever since I usually do not remember my dreams. But I also do not want to wake up at midnight awake and alert.
    Just got a new wallet. It was about that time, my old one was literally starting to fall apart. I spent $30 on something that will hopefully last a while.
    A wallet is a good item to splurge on since it needs to last for a very long time. I needed a wallet in 2017, so I dropped $120 (IIRC) on a nice Michael Kors at Macys. It is still going and still in really good shape. I chose it because it has RFID blocking material.
    I feel like I want to party for two weeks with good friends. Just another week before that begins. Sorry, I'm getting too damned excited about this coming up soon.
    That's great. I love small parties, I get uncomfortable in clubs
    Fresh strawberries and plain Fage Greek yogurt for breakfast, with a couple of cups of black coffee. I am doing great.
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