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  • I am making beefy fried rice for dinner tonight. Who here wants some?
    Sorry, dude, I need to stay of carbs.
    I am diabetic. :cool:
    Beef stir fry for a midnight dinner.
    My partner eats meat, so l ordered "meats", but he is quite open to my plant based meals and protein shakes, and he eats lots of protein yogurt.
    So true. You can take protein powder and stir in a soup, but it has to be a good quality that mixes nicely.
    Or fiber, since we never get enough and the more we supplement the more our gut benefits. Perfect for those with kidney concerns who have to lower their protein and maintain their urine HP index.
    Everybody who is exposed to the chemical compound dihydrogen monoxide will die.
    It is the main component of acid rain...!
    Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I can take it where I want it to go within reason. Can't win the lotto but I can build myself up.
    Just given a lot more responsibility at my job. I feel honored and horrified at the same time.
    it's change, which is always frightening. congrats on that
    Were you able to be relieved of doing so many cold calls? More work but less cold calls would be something I'd consider to be an excellent trade-off under the circumstances.

    Cold calling under just about any circumstances was always difficult for me.
    I wish I had a $20 bill in my wallet since I am craving teriyaki. I will get some cash later today, I'll have teriyaki tomorrow.
    c flat
    c flat
    Best of luck with your savory plan
    I want a cup of coffee, some biscuits and gravy, a side of sausage links, but that goes against my plans to lose weight.
    Keep the coffee, skip the sausages. No more gout....;)
    Or workout one whole week, then reward yourself. Sometimes working out puts you in such a good mood, that you may not want it. I use rewards to push me to better habits.
    I wish I could turn off my victim mentality like turning off a light switch. That would be nice.
    Unforgiveness is a monkey trap.
    Well I'm glad you had set up to change some of your habits, it could really be life-changing.
    Severe abuse is difficult to deal with, at least you are examining your thought patterns. Excellent that you can step outside of your thiughts.
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