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  • Now it is important for me to show my gay pride in the face of the wave of homophobia sweeping the world. I am not going back in the closet. I deserve to live with dignity and grace. I am not subhuman or degenerate.
    LGBT+ folks have been around since time began and will continue to exist for as long as the Earth is turning. We’ve been in the fight for equality for years and nothing can stop us now. Love always wins, and love is love, no matter what bigots try to shove down our throats.
    Misty Avich
    Why are people suddenly becoming homophobic again?
    People shooting off fireworks on the street this time of year need to be forced to listen to Baby Shark on loop.
    Misty Avich
    But what if they like that song? Lol. I certainly do.
    I feel like a few drinks may be the only thing that will keep me from a complete nervous breakdown right now. I am ready to snap at any second.
    I don't know what I would tell you. I just witnessed a majority of people outright state that they are willing to force the world to burn just to own people who are not like them. I am embracing nihilism in the face of that because goodness means nothing in the world.
    I'm going to give it to you straight. I had you on ignore on this site when you were drinking because you were so mean to everyone, including yourself. Now I look forward to reading what you have to say. You make me laugh. You make me think. I consider you a friend. Please don't make my friend go away.
    You are not alone.
    I am at the office now, and hearing the janitor singing is like he is taking a jackhammer to the single nerve I have left that is holding me together.
    I dedicate the rest of my short life to video games and booze.
    Just remember that it is your choice. No one controls you anymore. You've heard the support from others here. You know there are people here who would hold you up if we could, but you are in charge of your own life and all we can do is send love, warm wishes, hopefully helpful words.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    Catastrophic thinking? 🤔 Just hang in there and wait and see what happens. Don't quit now.
    Alcohol, my dearest friend, I will run into your arms while the world burns around me.
    Like Hell you will. Knock it off. I say this out of love. Don't be a fool. You're smarter and stronger than this. You really don't want that life, or to be the guy you were.
    Play some mind numbing, entertaining video games. Nosh on absolute crap that tastes good. And go to bed. Sleep like ten hours or more. It's the best advice I can give you. Tomorrow is a new chance. A fresh start.
    I am drinking again tonight. I have no faith left in mankind. May as well indulge while the world around me burns to the ground.
    I think if the people you depend on the most in your lifetime aren't there, we are forced into being our mom and dad that we never had. It's a heavy load.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    You can get through it, don't react to things that might happen. Lets wait and see what happens instead.
    I don't have Faith in man-kind.

    Take care of yourself
    I want to drink to blot out the anxiety of the next couple of days.
    I get that, l am zoming thru anxiety right now. Basically, we are anxiety ridden, it sucks. You can always pm me. l wish family wasn't suck a suckfest.
    I watched a documentary about hair metal with my mom. I learned that nearly all of the hair metal musicians wore wigs or had weaves sewn into their hair. I found that absolutely hilarious. Made them seem like even bigger poseurs. I imagined them headbanging, and their wigs flying off.
    Mr. Stevens
    I have a lot of respect for Rob Halford.
    I am looking forward to partying and gaming all weekend long, from noon to noon, Nov 2-3. A friend is bringing over a veggie tray, I will have an ice chest full of Liquid Death sparkling waters, some friends will spend some time with me but not the whole time.
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