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  • I need to get away from the news media. From this PLANET. The New Year's just begun and I'm already traumatized.
    Hey! Just wanted to comment that I love your avatar! I'm a collector of classic MLP toys (G1 and G3 mainly) and I adore Moondancer! It made me happy to see your avatar! =)
    hey there. My name is Kevin, and I want to just say what's up.

    if you want to talk to me, well...I'm going to a convention soon dressed as Doctor Eggman.
    what are your favorite video games, animes, franchises and other nerdy geeky stuff?

    mine are stuff like Doctor Who, My Hero Academia, Hell! I just played Super Mario Wonder,

    what did you think of it? let me know.
    I've been wearing my winter holiday-themed T-shirts this month because of Christmas in July.
    Oh my gosh! Yes! We Celebrate Christmas in July every year too. Many years we even put out the tree, and strung lights outside. It's a good way to chill out halfway through the year.
    Anyone else not make future plans for anything because they think we have no future?
    At least we all have some kind of a future, whether we planned much for it or not.
    For a long time my plan for the future was to survive the inevitable degradation of living standards due to the future being so awful. That's why I have the land & tiny home-I don't want to be in a city when everybody suddenly realizes that the bread is no longer coming.
    When I was in college (1990s) I lived in central cities due to fear of nuclear war of all things, which was totally illogical for the times. The future today is climate collapse and running out of resources, which can be planned for & survived.
    I'm 48 now, but I keep thinking I'm 58. Maybe because the past two years alone have aged me at least a decade early.
    If I have to live with covid for the rest of my life, then I don't want to live at all.
    It's okay, it won't last forever. I promise. Influenza used to be a terrible plague, and now because within a couple years, our bodies eventually built up immunity, now it's just the flu. My pharmacist friend says that covid is going that way, and she's actually annoyed by the lockdowns.
    Why can't I sleep like a normal person?
    Try a small amount of melatonin at bedtime.
    What's normal ?you'll gradually learn(that will depend on different things how quickly you actually learn) that what you are is what nobody else is :)
    I'm not a lot older than you and I'm still learning
    I think human beings are selfish, violent and destructive by default and will never change.
    I believe that people in power want to turn us against each other, but most people just want stability in their lives.
    I got my covid booster today. Now if only there was a vaccine that would protect me from human stupidity?
    It's already been a month since Christmas, time goes way too fast.
    I agree. I basically celebrate the whole holiday season: wintertime is dark and cold and it's nice to be celebrating. Technically they used to celebrate until February 2nd so I figure it's still the Christmas season. Don't feel bad for celebrating and having fun.
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