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  • I want to dress completely in black from now on to express my feelings towards this world we live in.
    I see so many people all dressed in black. Most people, in fact.
    This miracle planet, loaded with incredible lifeforms, is
    not even a grain of dust in the vastness of space. We are surrounded by nothing. We used to be nothing. Now, we're alive. Soon, we return to being nothing. This is the only experience you will ever get. Life is colourful. Celebrate life!
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4irXQhgMqg Paint It Black by the Rolling Stones, from another era full of despair and rage and upheaval.Part of the song was used for the opening credits for the 1980s Vietnam War TV drama Tour Of Duty. That's worth trying to dig up on Youtube.
    Right on.
    I read that there's a Chinese unofficial holiday on Nov. 11 called Singles' Day. Pfft! Every day is singles day for me.
    It's fall, but it was really hot today. But it won't be long before everyone complains about it being too cold. People love to complain.
    I once heard married couples live longer than single people, but I don't think that's true at all. It just *feels* like it's longer.
    Sid Delicious
    Sid Delicious
    A quick search came up with a bunch of studies showing single women with no kids live longer than married ones. I'm not sure how marrying increases life span unless the relationship continues to be great throughout life. Most fight, cheat, divorce, or end up depressed and living seperate lives. Other than continuing the species via children, I can't see any benefits that you couldn't get through friends/flatemate.
    It's the February, the season of looove! It's also flu season. I'm hoping the shot I got in November will make me avoid them both.
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