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Tony Ramirez

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  • I don't want to leave my room or the house no more. The outside world is not nice and hates me.
    i understand, people don’t like what they can’t understand. im sorry they ignore you, just know you have a community that’s here for you anytime. :)
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Thank you. My current church I do too but with so much pain and anxiety I tend to push them away with my h hate but they still accept me.
    im glad they accept you, they should.
    My dreams are getting nastier meaning that they are getting what is coming to them to people who ostracized IRL and it's helping me sleep better.
    "Let my dreaming head write it's stories of vengeance with the righteous quill held by God, that I may not find myself astray taking such mantle up in my own arms." - A talking shoe in a dream I had once
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I hate God
    He has a lot to answer for. 🤨
    All things dull and ugly,
    All creatures short and squat,
    All things rude and nasty,
    The Lord God made the lot.
    Just found Lemur browser as a substitute to the discontinued Kiwi Browser that works with my extension on Android.
    I am thinking about having my wedding band ring finger surgery removed one day. It's never going to ever serve a purpose because I am going to be a forever alone freak.
    I'm on a verge of another nervous breakdown. No one cares because no one understands.
    I'm not gonna say "you got this!" or some other platitude 😜 Hope the therapy session goes well.
    Despite my autism, Zomaiphobia, my narcissistic family I live with. I am still going out daily, socializing, trying to join new groups and meeting new people. That takes courage.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Doctor has to keep it confidential.
    At the gym and walking a lot to help with the sleepless hunger and stiffness
    are you doing Yoga sessions again or not anymore?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    No I don't know if I am ever going to do yoga again but I do keep in contact with the main teacher that is still at the studio I only trust.
    Due to an social event yesterday my trust in public people is lost. My Zomaiphobia is now at a all time high that most likely require higher medication.
    @Tony Ramirez With some work, you and your therapist may
    eventually get you to a point where this idea isn't a problem
    for you.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    It hasn't worked for over 30 years with much therapy socializing medication faith and hobbies. It's so rare only death will cure it. I thought I had I under control.
    "It's so rare only death will cure it."

    That's a really non-rational story.
    Random younger women approaching me at the subway station just because I was not in a bad mood. Actually had a conversation with her because we had the same interest in movies when she could not believe my age. She thought I was born in 1999.
    My therapy sessions are going good. I was able to really understand what the root of the problem was this second session already and I fell better.
    This year started out as a real winner. I lost my new case earbuds that sucked in the park that I can't return now. Called my mother who ripped my head off. Then snapped at couples. Hurrah for 2025.
    I thought my friends didn't care but they messaged me back it's my catastrophising thinking playing with me again.
    Funny songs with "minor swears" use to bother me now I can listen to them again like I was a young adult again.
    I accept it. It's no longer in the millions. Now it's. "Not in a billion years", will I ever fall in love.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Me too I eat more when I see couples and platonic's. That's why I try to walk more and play space invaders to avoid them.i walk fast.
    i assume you are thinking there is a better chance of you getting struck by lightning than getting into a relationship.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Yes and winning the lottery jackpot.
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