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Tony Ramirez

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  • I'm the most hated person here. It's all my fault.
    Dog V4 likes you. He thinks you need a hug.
    It's the internet, everyone's over stimulated and cranky. Sometimes you need to get out and experience some humanity. (Avoiding the judgemental types out there ofc) Perhaps you can visit your friends at the deli place?
    Why would you think you are hated here?
    We have not one Christmas decoration up in our miserable house this horrible year for all of us. Yes, parents admit they hated 2024 too. No one even cared including me to put any up.
    I go and do business where I am welcomed like on my profile picture. I get smiles and they know me even the women cashier's are nice. I don't even care they don't take stamps I will pay out of pocket.
    I think late autumn winter is my favorite season. Less people out. Taveling away. More quiet indoor activities.
    The end of the year could be turning around for me because I believe I am in the right place with the right people.
    I'm a selfish jerk. I am tired of misjudged people. I may be autistic but my neurotypical peers suffer from physical ailments that I would never want at least my physical body is healthy and has no real physical pain.
    That is something to be greatful for, could be something to post in the gratitude thread, if you like?. I have chronic pain but I can still get around (most of the time).

    It's not sometging you need to be ashamed of though. Have you ever heard of toxic guilt and toxic shame? It can be a really big block to leading a happier life.
    If thinking this way helps you feel grateful, that's wonderful. If it leads to valueless guilt, remember that there's no scale to measure one person's challenges against another's. Those NTs wouldn't want to trade places with you, either.
    9th random guy was nice to me letting me pass on the train. Don't get me started after on the opposite sex resting face women
    Don't you have a physician or social worker?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Physician yes my mother refused a social worker.
    Don't you receive some kind of financial assistance though?

    Either a physician or social worker should be able to help
    you find a therapist.
    It's finally raining in NYC so I stayed home watching movies on YouTube. You know what is so much better than dealing with the pain of trying to socialize and be with crowds.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I enjoyed one movie of a psychopath woman who ended up getting her at the end but had to turn off another comedy when a depressed women indulge into a romantic crap.
    I don't like it when funny movies turn into romance total vibe kill
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Too many do. That's why I enjoyed the first one. She deserved it. Justice served.
    Why is primary school younger age and secondary school older in the UK? Makes no sense. Primary sounds older. Secondary sounds younger. I'm from America.
    It's also not just a UK thing. It's a usual term in many European countries.
    Primary school means younger age and secondary is older in the USA, too.
    I'm from UK. I actually went to the same school for 11 years before college:

    Primary/Infant School: 4/5 - 11
    Secondary/Senior School: 11 - 16
    6th Form College: 16 - 18
    University: 18 - 21+

    Some schools go up to 6th form college level. But universities are all separate establishments.
    When I go somewhere social and people are ignoring my ass I just leave now and don't bother to try socializing with them anymore. My cats give me more attention.
    Knowing where you're not welcomed is a good start. I am impressed you're able to ice them out and walk away with your head held high.
    I am doing it with a passive aggressive at the moment. I won't even look at them in the eye, but I won't show I'm hurt, it would bring them much satisfaction.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I am trying now not to even look at women anymore and now I even go out of my way to stay as far away from them from walking crossing. Don't dare even sit remotely near them anymore. They hurt me to much by ignoring me.
    There is a 99% chance I will be forever alone
    Naming a number makes it sound almost like a scientific conclusion.
    I'm in the hospital now because of women ignoring me. I had a nervous breakdown.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    No never just ostracized
    Mary Terry
    Tony - what is it going to take for you to realize that you need therapy to deal with your anger, misunderstandings of other people, and fruitless pursuit of women who are not interested in you? This a serious question from me. Why do you keep avoiding the question?
    Tony is seriously long overdue for therapy, professional help
    The damn snoot women that ignored my ass and made my life a living hell are now invading Dunkin Donuts. Good that most are kiosks that don't even have WiFi and are mainly online pickup.
    Very few women IRL have shown me kindness and most have ended up backstabbing and abandoned me in the end.
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