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Tony Ramirez

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  • Random men strangers have been showing me kindness these past two weeks. Women strangers don't get me started on there resting faces getting up other and I will go off damnit.
    I now finally left the new church I joined 2 months ago. They did more church hurt then the last one in 5 years. I am now at Hope that I joined in the summer where I belonged all along they proved it.
    There is an actual word for what I am becoming its called incel. It just scared the crap out of me when I looked it up.
    I covered my mirrors and deleted blacked out every picture on my socials. I can't stand looking at my ugly face anymore for single women to laugh and be repulse at.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Then why are women unless they are mostly in a relationship repulsed by me? I end up attracting more men. It sucks.
    I believe you. Perhaps also they are more visible to you? The ones that like you might be discreet.
    You're a man's man, my kinda guy. I don't trust women's men 😜
    I think you look really nice in your profile pictures where you are smiling.
    I told my father to take his $100 cologne and he gave me and put it where the sun don't shine. Every time I used it non married women treated me more like I don't know if I can use that word here.
    Someone like me can't have single female friends or even be near them. It's wrong and I am the creep but it's okay for other guys. It's only dudes and married women for me.
    Don't believe Hollywood fiction. Remember a zebra can't change its stripes. Learned that the hard way in 2024.
    Again I will say it. It's easier for me to make friends as a adult. When I was younger in school it was impossible.
    I havent made a single friend since i flunked uni and started work. It also coincided with multiple chronic illness'. Was it growing up, working or illness. Probably the former and the latter. I just dont give an x anymore
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Work is really no good. Joining groups at churches helped. Of course I had two major epic fail churches but I believe after 21 years these 2 current ones are the right direction because I learned a lot.
    I will never even have a single female friend and if anyone gaslights me I will tear you a new one.
    l am sad, l thought you might consider me as a forum friend Tony. But l as a friend respect your choices!
    even though a woman on tiktok did prove to me that it can happen to women, i still strongly believe that most chronically forever alone cases are male-dominated, it is a cruel injustice
    My parents let me stay out as late as I was for Halloween yesterday with my friends without any calls or texts. They were actually sleeping. I was actually at a parade of all places.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    We then ate some food at the pastors house. Then me and some of us got invited to another friend's house Saturday afternoon for a gathering.
    Good to see you going out with others. You inspire me to do the same.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I'm going out there dispute my phobia over stimulation major social anxiety and fear of women because I hate being alone.
    I avoid sitting remotely next to any women I don't know unless they are my mother's age now thanks to my RSD and PTSD because there is a 95% she will leave and I will get triggered.
    My Zomaiphobia is starting up getting worse again. I am starting to having meltdowns again. Nearly lost it in the street again. Trust no one again. Earplugs need to stay glued to my ears at all times now everywhere. 😡
    @Tony Ramirez

    Never mind.
    I finally found the word.
    Found it at Phobiapedia.
    The phobia's name literally means "life word fear". It is derived from the Greek word ζῶ (zô), meaning "life"
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Cutting back on one of my meds on my own made it worse. I am now back on normal dosage. Felling better.
    After seeing the misery vulger society this week in the workplace I don't want to work. I could not handle the only jobs I qualify for. Mean leveling jokes meant as sarcasm.
    I believe you. It's really a shame society mostly offers service sector work for us and sold out all our manufacturing and agriculture. Wish we made more stuff. Service doesn't suit us at all. Still cheap stuff is nice but we have no money to buy it lmao.
    Screw this I can't listen to positive music.
    Sometimes it makes it worse, because it's annoying you're not feeling the same. Sometimes some sad or angry music is therapeutic.
    Holding hands should be banned between couples, platonic's and fined unless it's a parent or guardian.
    I don't get the whole holding hands thing. Seems a bit like one is claiming the other.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    It pisses me off. I can't even pass them because they block the entire walkway sometimes.
    I don't like those push prams for 2 or more kids, built like military personnel carriers!
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