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Tony Ramirez

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  • I am really liking anime. I watched it at that cafe all summer even laughed at the funny parts when I still got resting faces. No one cared. Too bad I can't meet any women IRL who like it.
    Apparently we're Dunkin' around the UK too! I've never seen any of them myself. England. Mostly in the North it seems, I'm South.

    Any Halloween donuts?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    They have an almond spice coffee I like which is under $5 which is the cheapest. Too bad it's only seasonal. They have seasonal donuts they look cool. I get them sometimes.
    Dunkin Donuts looks very sensory appealing
    I now fully reverted back to my antisocial hateful college days thanks to being at that damn cafe for 6 months.
    I'm pretty much desensitize to seeing and hearing every swear word except one because now I use them all now. Pathetic for someone who hates swearing. What these people done to me.
    You seem to be saying that your behavior isn't really under your control.
    That the way you behave depends on what other people are doing.
    I should have stayed home today. It was not worth being with normals just for the free food. I rather starve or eat scraps at home now.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    No, she was right, those z's and mill are users all along. My family always have my back. If I rely on them and abandon my family I would have ended up homeless, I already had some so-called friends abandon me for my atypical behavior. I have cousins on both sides that have my back.
    Your family has your back?
    Has your family located a therapist for you yet?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    No they are too busy with baseball game now. They don't care. I can't do it on my own.
    I will never find my people.
    :(, yes, l think my people are not near me.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Too many fakers and false alarms. Multiple meltdowns and 2 burnouts just this year and kicked out of 3 so called close friend groups. 2 ostracized, afraid and angry of women.
    Too many fakes, snakes and 'double takes'. 👀
    PDA annoying me off.
    I wish I can forget the worst years of my life college, training school, certificate school. (1995-1997, 1997-2000, 2003)
    And of course all of 2024.
    I wish I relive my junior high school years again (6th-8th grade 1988-1991). Best years of my life.
    Can you describe that time of your life? What made it good?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Being able to act completely myself without judgement. Opening socializing. Being greeted walking in by teachers and students by my nickname Tony. Going on trips in other cities states even overnight .
    The snobs are out in force today. No, thank you or even excuse me or even smiles, just resting faces. Just like damn college and trade school. If it's bad with the church in the park at 3 PM, I am not leaving the damn house for a week. I mean it.
    Being happy and positive these 4 days did crap to please these ungrateful's.i was still shamned ostracized over talked uninvited and left out
    I'm swearing again.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I looked im lost without help I asked but that was a waste of time
    Have you ever actually contacted a resource/place yourself?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    No not yet. My mother is talking to me. Things at home are fine. These friends pumped crap in my head making me think I am normal just socialize instant gf walk in a place get a job etc. then they contradict themselves
    I started to swear again when I was ignored and having two word conversations with certain people again. It was building up these past few days
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    But you will still be singled out. Game night is turning into dudes night. Only the two hosted are women. Every newcomer is a dude. Also I am feeling more unwelcomed everytime I go. Do what you want to do. UK and US culture is practically the same now.
    Yes there is a lot of American cultural import here, inevitably we start adopting it.
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