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Tony Ramirez

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  • I actually been much less stressed since my mother stopped talking to me and controlling me. Like I have more independents.
    Less stress sounds like a good first step towards recovery.
    My social skills are not that bad in person if I am heard. I can actually talk to people if they actually listen to me and don't ostracize me. Better I can talk to people who actually have been ostracized.
    well the average man is invisible to most women
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    No I am they talk to other men
    I witnessed 'gentle ostracism' today, where the neurologically different person is smiled at awkwardly, given brief but polite responses and the body language suggested they wanted to exit. I believe it to be the most common type. Not malicious, they probably dont realise it.
    I feel much better I am not the only newcomer ostracized at that so called welcoming churched. Many at the newcomers meeting felt and voiced the same thing.
    Either this terrible year end now or I am going to end it by jumping off the highway or bridge.
    You aren't making any attempt yourself to find a therapist,
    is what that sounds like. You expect somebody else to
    do it?
    FYI, I did reach out to the church in a couple different ways. They haven’t gotten back.
    are you still feeling this way at the moment?
    Women make me feel like a worthless piece of garbage.
    Yeah they can do that to you!
    It's what you're telling yourself that gives you that feeling.
    You're reacting to what you say to yourself about them.
    Ostracisers of all kinds, get on your knees, beg and squeal for our forgiveness!! We are merciful @Tony Ramirez 😂😂😂
    How can 2024 start out so positive fall apart by me losing friends a textationship, groups, old church and yoga. Trying a new got more envy and ostracism which caused anger than higher education.
    if the drugs arent working give the doc a call
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Me too if I can ever get the funds and so called friends to go with both unlikely.
    hearing of other men on facebook groups disclose similiar cases or stories to Tony, just further made me upset, sometimes i wish i could remove that info from my memory
    Getting Medicaid was the only thing that went right this year.
    Both those things will eventually come to pass.
    No need wasting time wishing.

    How's the search for a therapist going?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Are you still expecting other people to do it for you?
    Why is making true friends that don't end up ostracizing me in the end is so difficult for me?
    Well a greeter who doesn't greet should be fired. I would argue she is excluding you on the basis of her prejudice to autism. She is an Ableist. Exclusion is bullying plain and simple, no matter when they claim innocence. Its the weapon of the weak, passive aggression. They cannot back up their hostility so they avoid any confrontation whatsoever)
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    @thejuice ⭐ I agree in a certain new church I am trying which I won't mention the name even though I want to so bad. I would give you a winner but the likes are still broken.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    My sleep has improved because I am only back on Seroquel. It hasn't helped much with my anger or depression because women won't stop ostracizing me in social places where leaders of the groups say to talk to "everyone".
    yeah, i still sometimes get angry that i was born male, and i get more pissed off whenever people say get a sex change, because people who get sex changes, still retain elements of the gender they were naturally born
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    That does not count your chromosomes are always still male. There was an fictional episode of Henry danger it was funny actually where Henry walked into a machine was actually transformed into a teenage girl. That's the only way it could happen.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Everything chromosomes private parts and all has to be changed meaning that you can even get pregnant. Using a special transformation machine I did it in fictional Henry Danger.
    People that ostracize you, ostracize there snobbish asses back.
    Ice them out!
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I want to but now they now cause me physical pain. I think that is why my mother is more of a controlled freak and really hates them even more uses really nasty female dog and manure don't stink sugar coded I cleaned up language.
    Lol yeah 😁☝️I agree with her tbh
    I freaking hate Park Slope with all these damn snobs I wish they would all go to hell they ostracized my ass all the damn time.
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