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Tony Ramirez

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  • I knew it was to good to be true. My life still sucks. The past few days were all a facade.
    This is the pattern I have seen.
    You are irritated and depressed most of the time, then there
    will be a brief 2 or 3 day break where you're neutral to positive.
    Then, crash. Back to irritated depression.
    Another toxic dump is purged from my daily visits before it was turning me into an antisocial narcissist.
    Black and white thinking nearly ruined the day again. After service I felt ostracized again then approached a women from game night who I thought ignored me. We had a 20 minute conversation. I felt better.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Then I was greeted with yellow and then goodbyes even by her when I left.
    20 minutes gg!
    I'm at church now. I have a headache my body hurts and I feel like I am actually going to pass out. Yes I was greeted but now I am ignored ostracized. My body physically hurts.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Except now with all the ostracized everywhere I am actually getting headaches and feeling physically sick.
    You wish you knew how to be part of the group.
    Yes it's so painful I'd leave gatherings, eventually opting not to go altogether.
    Every time I try to sit and watch one of the original Star Wars trilogy movie at the café damn platonic friends and couples keep coming in then I get depressed, and I have to put on 80's breakup songs, sad lo-fi or ambient music then eventually get the hell out of there. I try to watch it at home, but then my PITA parents call and text me all the time, interrupting me.
    It sounds like you feel you have no control over your situation.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I don't that the problem no one understands. If it was not for my music subscriptions I listen outside on my phone and laptop when at the cafe I would crack up literally.
    Could be worse could have been watching the new Star wars! 😁
    I am now getting so many headaches from being ostracized by women I feel like passing out and yes I am at least getting over 9 hours of sleep thanks to Seroquel.


    • Screenshot_2024-08-18-13-10-39-08_4d38fce200f96aeac5e860e739312e76.jpg
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    It's plausibly deniable psychological warfare. Definitely underestimated as a form of abuse, because it's difficult to pin down passive aggressive types, when you complain its usually met with feigned ignorance. Or they can gaslight you, telling you to stop being so sensitive and a 'nice guy'. Its your attitude, your dubious predatory intentions, this or that or your fault in some other victim blaming way!
    I know recording and taking pictures of women without their consent is wrong but the way new women treated me like I had the plaque this week it did not matter how attractive dresses or otherwise I did not care to even save their voice or image being treated like chop liver garbage all week.
    Have you thought of changing your mindset? Stopping yourself from thinking about things you are disconcerted with, and instead, putting your focus into helping people/being of service in some capacity, of which could consume your thoughts in a positive manner? This could provide relief from your miseries. It has worked for many people who were once stuck in a difficult place, unhappy with life and themselves...
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Tried that still treated like yesterday garbage by non married women.
    What ways have you been helpful to people?
    I had more social interaction with women positive and made more friends with them in 2020 during the pandemic then the ungrateful snobs who ostracize me now in 2024.
    Damn blues reds and whites are popping bright today because of the couples. It's like it's freaking Valentine's Day today.
    Have you ever shared this idea with a doctor?
    Shunned pond aka just for me. Really named dog pond in Prospect Park.

    I took the picture of the pond without people for "consent" 🙄.


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    Slept great last night. No platonic female friend 'one and a million odds', dreams either. Actually IRL dysphoric dreams which kept me sleeping all night.
    I love 80s breakup songs. I freaking love them. They are the best. i stim to them. Keep them coming. Especially at a café where I am now, where everyone is ignoring my ass.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I miss TGC Trinity Grace Church which was the most friendly welcome place for me autistic but unless Justin and Madison leaves I can never go back.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I'm leaving this Roots café, I am getting sick of the damn snobs. I am heading to Dunkin' Donuts. The Wi-Fi is just as fast there.
    Justin the traitor and Madison the faker
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