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Tony Ramirez

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  • It's just not damn worth it. For cute women which is becoming less. Summer needs to end just to stop men from wearing flips flops before I vomit 🤮 public.
    I feel less welcomed in every place I use to feel welcomed in the past 5 years I wasted my life trying to socialize with people.
    Places I use to enjoy that were part of my daily routine are now like hell. Some I am done with more I am leaving by the day. Finding replacements is a challenge.
    Nearly got hit by a car crossing a don't walk sign. The car stopped. Came so close. Then I had to see a damn couple with their kids. That's my miserable life continuing.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I talked to them. The couple joy and Garret in invited me for dinner. I also hanged with Patricia and her family sometimes. They are the only ones who treat me better.

    The rest ostracized me or were really acquaintances fake friends in disguise.
    I was asking what happened, because you keep saying that you are utterly alone.
    Do you mean that some of the people who socialized with you in the past, still
    do socialize with you, to some degree?
    i didn't bother to find out, but unfortuneately, i stumbled upon another facebook post from the autism groups, it just tortured my mind again, found out about another guy who has a similiar story or situation to Tony, but he is a decade older than him.
    Next guy says me and my wife to my face is going to get a punch in their face.
    Yeah, that'd be a super way of dealing with the situation.
    You could win a ride in a cop car that way.
    Or just lose a tooth.
    Several possibilities, really.
    I hate snobs 💢.
    don't get me wrong, i believe you, but the part that is the hardest for me to believe, is when you say you have never had any friends at all in your life or never even had 1 friend, not even in your childhood?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Four couples especially two I am closest with are my only friends now. Believe it. I don't want to mention the past PTSD backstabbers, fake aspie with her acquaintances pretending to be my friends or the fake textationship.
    I hate having the social skills of a turd, but I will be able to prove it soon.
    Tony, I'm not trying to be blunt but you can get into serious trouble. This is a really stupid idea. This behavior is just screaming that you desperately need help because you are escalating into concerning behavior.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Thanks I would strongly recommend what you say. I am just so damn frustrated with how I am treated socially when no one believes me.
    I understand it is frustrating, but taking photos/recording people will not make you feel better. Two wrongs do not make it right.
    My post count is now up to the worst year of my life. How ironic.


    • Screenshot_2024-08-12-16-12-07-18_4d38fce200f96aeac5e860e739312e76.jpg
      158.7 KB · Views: 14
    Coincidental, more than ironic.
    It's a coincidence that the post number momentarily equals the year.
    Now my mother controls my Amazon orders and tells me I ordered the wrong shampoo texting me in public multiple times stressing me out.
    Who's the shampoo for?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Me only me.
    What about it does she think is "wrong"? Did she say?
    Have you ever used this kind of shampoo before?
    I am loving lofi hip hop music. It has been calming me down up to a point as best as it can unit I can't take it.
    Does anyone understand my autistic social struggles? No. Not one damn person.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Ex married friend Justin.
    Textationship PTSD inducing Madison which is why I now swear and hate couples and platonics.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    No friends growing up not a single one.
    i don't remember the last time i ever met someone who had it bad as socially or mentally, job-wise, as you, even though i've heard of men older than you who have never been with a woman before, i just have never interacted with them specifically.
    I'm going to my doctor for my check up tomorrow. Let's hope I am diagnosed with a fatal disease.
    No problem.
    You have the same fatal disease that every person born has.
    You're alive and will eventually die.

    Meanwhile, until that time....
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    It's called autism.
    I was referring to the state of mortality.
    Living creatures are subject to that.
    Now only do I have to suffer my vision in HDR but now my hearing is now amplified thanks to ungrateful's shunning me.
    My game night from hell is over. I am home, tired now suffering another burnout. I better stay home for the next few days before meeting my married guy friend for dinner on Wednesday.
    What's game night?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I'm tired of playing 20 questions. Look it up.
    Game nights differ.
    I have no idea where you went, what you expected to do.
    I hate 2 word conversations. They are about to drive me to the damn psychward.
    Who talks like that?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I talk to someone but they only exchange a few words back then ignore me meanwhile talk to an neurotypical and have long normal conversations.
    Can you give an example of a conversation like that?
    What both people said....
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