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Tony Ramirez

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  • Ignoring my ass is a thing people like to do to piss me off. I have to wake up alive for this crap.
    Tony, I’m saying this from a place of friendly concern: please listen to everyone telling you to seek counseling.
    Misty Avich
    At least you get a lot of attention and replies in your threads. I envy you there, as I could do with a bit more attention and replies in my threads when I'm reaching out to people.
    Why the hell do they have all these stupid names for these college degree's like BA MA Master's crap. Who cares. They were all able to know reading comprehension while a dumbass like me can't even remember what he just read 5 seconds ago why I flunked out with a 0 GPA dropout unemployed loser.
    Let's hope I die in my sleep tonight, even though I know the damn creator will make me wake up to live another horrible day.
    John 3:17 (which comes after the famous John 3:16!): "For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." God loves you!

    But to stop the misery trap, we have to put aside our own ideas of what fulfillment looks like.

    Please call one of the hotlines that @tree posted. I think you need outside help in getting out of this misery.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I don't trust them. I was betrayed by state therapists.
    I wish my so called college graduate smart ass so called friends would admit the reasons why they waste their time applying for work, education programs and I hear crap back months later is because I actually need a damn college degree to actually apply but they won't tell me that not to admit it to hurt my feelings.
    Are you trying to say since
    your qualifications don't meet the standards for the jobs,
    you don't get interviewed? And that somehow you aren't
    aware of the requirements?

    Or what?
    No one talk to out of it I am determined to commit suicide by the end of this month somehow. Then we will see how selfish everyone thinks I am when I am missed.
    I just keep insulting my friends via text and in person because of my bad life inadvertently it has become second nature when they say what you say was hurtful I don't even care because I just can't seem to do it say anything right anymore. No wonder no women wants me.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Yes second now that I realize it but nothing to my 18 20s was my worst and my 30s was boring nothing wasted. My early junior high school years 11 to 14 was and always was my best years of my life.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I wish I never bothered to try to socialize with normals 5 years ago. I did not befriended not one aspie or really meet any in person only here online.
    do you think your autism is also the reason why you have been unemployed for most of your life? i ask because, there are tons of jobs in the world that don't require college education, or do you think you just got too used to relying on your folks too much, it just made you not bother want to seeking a job?
    My back pain is coming back from not doing yoga but the former use to be my second home studio ended up becoming an traumatic place like my last church which I had to leave but I have no place to go unlike the other place.
    Youtube has thousands of yoga videos for free. Sean Vigue has a nice channel. He's got a good nature and some humour in what he does. Just find a room with some space for your yoga mat and have at it.
    I tried to be nice but if I see one more picture of an slim guy kneeling proposal to an attractive woman who says yes to being married I am going back to being in a bad mood again with couples. Enough rubbing your crap online so easy for me to find.
    You have a real hard time with your thoughts, it seems.
    You keep telling yourself stuff that results in you being in a bad mood.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I know I am off whatever I was looking at. Instagram. I follow my friends and places I go but then the suggestions ruin me.
    It's not the suggestions themselves.
    It's what you tell yourself about what you see.
    Glad I am at the park with my new church community. What a relief it feels like. Even after recent meltdowns still feeling accepted by everyone.
    New haircut got me snubbed ostracized by every new woman that's not married or a grandmother but I don't give a damn I needed it cut because the hair bothered me. They can all rot in a ditch.
    What did she do this time?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Nothing that was the damn problem back then. I am not texting or ever going back. Just a reminder of PTSD now thanks to her when I see platonic friends.
    Mary Terry
    I hope your new church can teach you that damning someone as you are doing with Madison is a sin.
    Just got a haircut it will improve my chances with women a good chance about 0%.
    New profile pic?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Yes because my life is a dead end.
    "I joined seven clubs/groups total the four years and eight months I been socializing waiting for a girlfriend. Five of them I heard from people the reasons I joined was to get a girlfriend first not to enjoy the club/group first. Same stinking outcome.", that really got to me emotionally.
    I like to call women friends and all by their full names. Is there anything wrong with me?
    Are you saying you address people you know by their first and last names?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    No by there full names like Greta as Gretchen. Or Trish as Patricia.
    I needed to get the hell out of the cafe into my little quit space where I can be myself and the WiFi still works.


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    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I'm back inside. Less crowded now air conditioning. Good I can get outside when needed. The staff recommended to me to actually go out there when needed.
    There are only three swear words I don't utter now one is the big one the other is the female dog reference coming close to thought and the black racial slur which I can't.
    Yes, it's true that a person does have some control over their thoughts, feelings, and speech.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Not when there treated like crap by the opposite sex by certain types and there are a failure at everything they tried.
    That's an interesting way of looking at things.
    Not a fun or useful way, but definitely full of emotion.
    I wish I can actually hang out with some unemployed single college dropouts who don't travel in real person but there are none here just one online who is in another country.
    I'm the only failure in my friends circle and everyone else circle and there is nothing I can do to change it.
    Mary Terry
    I'm confused. Do you or do you not have friends? One day you say you do; the next day you say you don't.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    None I really hang with except during events like acquaintances do.
    When will my life get better?
    Healing comes from within. You are responsible for your emotions. You've overindulged in the blame game - whether it be college, couples, yoga class or others. I'd suggest you pursue yoga solo. There's thousands of free videos on Youtube. It'd be good for your mind, body & soul. But also read about the 8 limbs of yoga & the sutras.
    Solo means single right so why the hell then does a women post that crap on her website with pictures then on her damn Instagram show her self with a neanderthal bearded man. Then she's a damn well not a solo woman.
    If you walk around thinking l am a failure, then you perpetuate that. You do yoga, you go to church, your cat loves you, this isn't a failure. Try doing some other things to build up confidence. I walked around and let people treat me like l was a failure, but then l decided to kick that to the curb. I hope you can enjoy this weekend and find something to be thankful for.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I can't think of a damn thing to be thankful for.
    Sorry to hear this, therapy would really help you at this point, please get on your mom to find you therapy, she is letting you down, or Google therapist yourself, and bring this to her. Good luck Tony.
    2024 is turning out to be the worst year of my life and it's only halfway over.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Read my post history.
    mainly just dating, women? or even work, jobs, friends as well? i forget, i already know you have been unemployed for most of your life, but how long was the longest you held down a job? and how did you qualify for SSI?
    It hasn't been a good year for me either. I have had to many fake friends, then l remember why l don't trust people. And l remind myself why l stayed alone most of my life. My best friends actually were guy friends, woman made the worst friends for me.
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