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Tony Ramirez

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  • I can't believe I am now addicted to ice coffee and going to coffee shops.
    Ice coffee is so delicious.
    Liking or enjoying something isn't the same as being addicted.
    Why do I keep doing this? Smiling at Roots today, just a more positive vibe, made the cashier smile more at me and talk briefly. Even the female clientele, some, smiled back briefly and did not even seem so cold.

    I am at Dunkin' Donuts now, it really is a depressing dump, clientele and staff. I actually find coffee shops more uplifting. I was actually putting out a negative vibe at these barista's.
    What's the saying when you see someone's life looks great, but it really is not? I tried to google the answer, but I got profane answers f word results with no actual answers, so I am asking here?
    Detoxing on social media is going to be tough but I am going to slowly try.
    Sounds like a plan Tony. One I stick to myself. I simply got exhausted being in other inherently hostile forums over the years.
    I hope it works for you. I certainly don’t miss Facebook and Instagram in particular.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Tiktok is going to be the hardest to quit.,I am already missing it but it is actually killing my socializing with women. Just one day without it I was able to smile back and talk briefly to a female yoga student who talked back at me last week who knew me.
    I'm going to try my hardest to clean up my language here and in person no matter how much seeing guy/girl friends and couples annoy me.
    It's not just seeing them. It's what you tell yourself it mean that is annoying you.
    Per my friend Alice request I deleted all of my social media apps except YouTube since I use it for Mac videos and many other things will reset my watch history and YouTube music. I will be turning off all my tech devices per her request until morning just my phone for walking to yoga. Goodnight see you tomorrow.
    brave man! good luck!
    you also deleted your reddit account as well?
    Quick suggestion: If you're finding that Youtube is still a bit too distracting in the way social media can be, look up two extensions: Unhook and DeArrow. I use both of these myself, helps keep the hypnotic Youtube viewing to a minimum so I dont go overboard.
    I broke down and swear at life group tonight when it was my turn to ask what I was great full for which was nothing nice but bad things and luck. One women got offended. The other comfort. I don't care if I been tight for 2 years let them kick me out.
    im about to explode with anger about my situation atm.

    what they get offended about!!
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Using the s word in anger and calling God a a-hole. Because of all the bad luck I had this week I posted here.
    what happend exactly? did you just start cursing in a public setting?
    Should I write negative reviews to all the coffee shops that treated me like dirt that I visited this past weeks that gave me more PTSD or is that not right thing to do?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Most of the staff is great. That's why I am not writing no negatives reviews due to the rude clientele.
    Ostracism is a fun word, but not fun to be on the receiving end of!
    Sometimes you can write a post and then never send it.
    Dunkin Donuts hanging with free WiFi watching Garfield, Smith Street Deli takeout which I ate at home. Then a long over 2 hour air conditioned nap in my room and I feel much better.
    I'm going to Dunkin donuts where there better not be guys/girls Im getting the hell out of this dump before I lose it now
    You get pushed around by your feelings.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I'm here. It's almost all guys. One mother maybe grandma and young daughters kid. What a relief 😮‍💨. Also listening to the rockey soundtrack enjoying an slushy ice coffee in ac.
    Yes, it must be a relief to not be telling yourself how awful it is to see couples.
    If I don't get out of this damn cafe I am going to lose it but I am going to lose it waking home seeing the same crap guys/girls and damn cars turning. I will see how much and Uber costs? Damnit it's $18.
    My friend that suppose to meet me at the park stood me up.
    Do you both have phones?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    He texted me saying he missed me but did not care before when I messaged him before to reply. Now I have to deal with couples and guys/girls at the damn cafe or my pita father phone got to ask you a question
    Oops, that sucks big time.
    Woke up again before praying for a better day. What a waste of time. Not only did I wake up from a dream that a woman wanted to be my close friend and we hung out but my father complained that I used to much water using that bucket to flushing that piss full toilet. What a start to a terrible day life.
    I'm going to be in NYC Brooklyn hell hole for the rest of my life.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I am in Brooklyn will update.
    There's plenty of cultures where hetero (not to mention non-hetero) couples walking around engrossed in lovey dovey PDA is greatly frowned upon. That seems to be a trigger for you. Chinese (Flatbush) and Orthodox Jewish (Crown Heights) cultures really don't like public affection.
    There are other areas of Brooklyn and Queens where the immigrant populations hate public PDA. Those are just the two I've read of (never been there myself). African cultures REALLY hate public affection, lots of those there.
    I want to end my life so bad but there is no information online on how to do it because the stupid protection team wants you to prevent it written by people who's lives are great in relationships.
    I keep waking up alive that's the problem just to suffer another horrible day.
    Hey, Tony, sorry you feel down today. Just get up and do anything. I hate those days, too. Just realize you have good days, and bad days.
    If a person could manage to wake up dead they could get a lot of
    work as an extra in a zombie movie.
    I am the only person in all my friends that know that is a forever single disabled college dropout learning disabled idiot unemployed broke loser with no travel future, purpose or spouse.
    there are lots of jobs out there that don't require college education, how come you never bothered to apply or seek those types of jobs over the past 20 plus years?
    I think with Tony's mental health and mood swings it could be a barrier. Jobs need you to be very consistent, almost droid like. He'd be better off testing the waters with volunteering.
    yeah, i mean like basic retail jobs or customer service jobs, or a restaurant job
    I am so confused. Someone who I thought was not a friend I randomly ran into I did not recognize, but she did and could have ignored me. All this time I thought she never had time to talk to me, but she spent a good 20 minutes and longer talking to me. I am confused and tired of hearing fake rumors from my mother and others.
    When I finally die single and alone, single women will be celebrating with parties and joy over my corpse.
    @Steelbookcollector217 Women are more valuable, look at our reproductive crisis. Reproduction is obviously not their only value, but it's a pretty big deal. I'd argue it is why it's been women and children first in our society, they are our future. Whereas we just compete to be part of it.
    an analogy im a fan of, is that women have a limited number of eggs, men produce unlimited sperm, and something that is rare or in scarcity, is gonna be more valuable than something that is common.
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