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Tony Ramirez

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  • When I get home if my control freak family annoy me I am going to snap on them especially my father and will be WW3 at home.
    I freaking hate 2 word conversations with most single standoffish women. It's like those women they purposely do them to me to piss me off. But men and most married women will actually have longer conversations with me.
    They'll have to learn social skills eventually
    Okay I am at my new church now where I know I am not going to be ostracized and I am already socializing. Feeling better.
    I went to bar and had earache the whole time
    I hate it when casual friends talk loud and don't shut the hell up when you are trying to zone out of depressing ambient music, even with noise-cancelling headphones.
    Let's admit, my social skills really suck eggs. Actually, suck eggs is better because eggs taste good. More like rotten eggs. I see someone I talk to last week I had a pathetic 10-minute conversation she is having an over 1-hour conversation with a big ugly man that she actually wanted to hang out with casual not throw away garbage like me just a run in and leave.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I get this with any encounter every time. Every freaking time. That is why I can't ever have a casual female friend.
    Every little thing is pissing me off now. I use to be so happy not that while ago.
    Do you remember what it felt like?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    You know? You read my post history. I don't feel like repeating myself but it involved a certain Miss M I won't mention that betrayed me by well I am not letting the haters here defend her.
    It's always man's fault.
    Seeing guys and girls outside just now as casual friends finally made me say the s word in anger. I have not swear that word in over a decade.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    It must have been at least 15 years since I said that word and it was because I hurt myself badly physically.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Too many damn triggers here at the park. I got to rest then head to church later. Yoga was good except the students were snobbish actually they said nothing to no one not even to each other.
    I hope you don't see any casual friends or snobs at church!
    Hanging out with my old church people talking about all the mature crap series like Narcos, Ozark, Breaking Bad and some bad Chav series on Max. I want to hang with my new church crew who likes Pokemon, dragon ball z, LOTR, star wars.
    You went because Patricia asked you. You connect with her and her friends?
    Who was at the dinner, then? Patricia and these friends of hers?

    Because it doesn't sound like you were enjoying the gathering.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I am really good friends with Patricia. She helped me all those months even with the textationship. I really don't know her friends well but she knows I want to connect with people so she tells me to go to as many social gatherings but I connected much better with the new church.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    .i told her this before I left and she understands so I know I won't go to the next monthly gathering. But she will try to find me others including volunteering
    I'm in a social dinner at someone's house bored out of my mind because I am the only person being not talked to.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    That's why I have absolutely nothing in common with these people so I can't talk about anything unlike the girls at game night from hope community and the church group even the pastor from hope likes what they like unlike the pastor from my old church likes the mature garbage.
    How is it that you happen to be at a dinner with people you feel you have so little in common with?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    That's one of the reasons why I left the old church.
    My poor IQ is the reason why I still live at home with my control freak parents, I am unemployed, never travel anywhere, have friends and keep losing them. Why I am a big loser that won't amount to anything.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    That's because of low IQ of not having college. A vicious cycle of my miserable life.
    Masked Man
    Masked Man
    There's no need to put yourself down. You have a condition - autism - that makes many aspects of life difficult for you. You want other people to be more considerate of you, and you need to do it for yourself as well. Stop being your own bully and embrace self-acceptance.
    Agree with @Masked Man . Remember all the other good times you had with other people, how they loved you? You got a pastor to bake bread with you within a few minutes of meeting you! You clearly are a naturally charismatic person. You can learn how to channel this. Let go of expectations - your expectations of yourself, your expectations of what others should do for you.
    I'm getting real sick of hearing every tom dick and harry talk about there travel plans around the world or future plans while I been stuck in hell town Brooklyn with my control freak family for 5 years with my last vacation to Connecticut.
    You inspired me to cut down on my cussing... I hope you have a better day.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Thanks I only say minor swears when I am angry the ones I typed out I don't say the b words and never the f or s word.
    I will never have a true single female casual friend that will ever want to spend time with me.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Your right in those dives it does not make a damn difference. I seen women only approach or talk to normal men who sit next to them even uglier than sin but they are NT. Like they know we are neurodiverse and avoid us like the plaque by actually sitting on the edge of getting up when we sit next to them even have the nerve to get up when they have no place to sit and they are carrying crap with them.
    Yes it's probably some kind of radar. Being alone doesn't help.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    No NT men that are alone they talk to. They have a radar and avoid us.
    My life sucks, will always suck, and will never get better no matter what I do.
    Dog V4 sends hugs.
    It's temporary pain I promise!!
    i know a guy who is going through the same thing.he also targets me,while bothering with me because i have it all in a social setting & he doesn't,because he's always making trouble,up to the point where i become hateful of him.
    I just trauma dumped on a friend from the new church I ran into. The first one BTW that said hello and talked to me on game night. I can't stop. She was kind and understanding, but now I feel rotten. I got so many emotions and can't talk to anyone but my mother, who makes things worse.
    I can't talk to my parents either they make me more mad usually by not listening
    Everyday I don't die in my sleep is worse off.
    A graph that depicts your up and down moods would be informative to look at.
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