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Tony Ramirez

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  • My life would have been so much better if I was not a stupid person.
    Why would you think that? 😢
    We have good and bad about us. I never knew my great traits until l started working. Then l was surprised to see there are things l can do.
    My mother threatened me to stop talking to people because she is paranoid we are going to get out family in legal trouble. I am getting sick and going to lose it
    Your mom seems quite excitable.
    I just had a massive trauma dump on how I am a failure in life, stupid and useless to my friends out in dinner today when they talked about their employment and travel. Now my friend said he will do something contact my other friend from Roots. I am broke and can't be happy.
    What did you have for dinner? What's Roots
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Pizza. A small chill coffee shop with free wifi that my married friend lets me stay until 4 pm. That is how I found the new church l now attend.
    I hate when I visit a coed place, and it is nothing but men there, like the coffee shop now. It makes me feel uncomfortable. Same thing earlier in yoga class. Where are the women visiting to buy something then leaving, then going under a rock.
    My family is driving me insane but I have no escape from them because everyone else is traveling and I am stuck at home in misery.
    I had a textationship not a casual friendship with the coffee shop girl and it sucked.
    😁😅🌹 Yeah, what is textationship?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    It basically what the name says. Madison and I would message each other all the time. But when I actually wanted to hang or just even talk to her. I had to find her or Sunday then she never had time to say to talk to me for 1 minute. She never hanged with me solo as a friend yet I would see casual friends hang out everyday all the time. Understand it sucks and it is painful.
    You wanted and expected more from her than what she had in mind.
    Living at home with my family now that events are being cancelled because people are traveling and it's not even June yet is now at the point of going to drive me to a mental institution.
    Misty Avich
    I'm not going anywhere this summer either. We can't afford to. I have one week off work in June, and we're just staying home and my aunt is coming to stay for a couple of days, which I'm looking forward to. But that's it.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    No wonder why I always looked forward to the fall even school coming back at least people were back and not in timbuktule land while I was in my same rut places every year doing nothing with my miserable family even to this day.
    While literally everyone I know is traveling this summer too parts unknown. I am stuck in Brooklyn hanging out at a coffee shop and doing yoga all summer.
    Why do I keep thinking that women hate me when there are encounters knowing it's not true?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Both but it use to be the opposite but deep in my mind I always wanted it I just did not know how to socialize with them growing up with all male cousins and a type 3 ASD sister.
    Misty Avich
    Maybe you have a feminine side to you and as an adult you just prefer to be in female company. That's cool. I like men with a feminine side.
    Maybe you are sensitive, and you don't have to act macho around woman. Maybe you find woman easier to relate to. My boyfriend is that way. He likes female bosses. My mom absolutely adores him. He isn't your traditional type A macho male. You will do great with a female boss if you ever want to work.
    I already Catastrophising when I got to my new church thinking they were closed pacing for 5 minutes until someone came out. Now I am breaking bread with the pastor and new friends.
    I hope I die in my sleep tonight.
    Are you okay? I don't know you, but I want you to know someone cares about your existence. I don't want you to die.
    Oh boy, l can't tell you how many times l have had that thought.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I'm going to a new church tonight. I also had a good private yoga class with my teacher who cares for me. I feel good.
    It's going to take me a long time before I ever trust a single woman again who clams wants to be "just friends".
    It's hard not being accepted
    Misty Avich
    I'm sorry women treat you like this. *Hugs*
    I love this community.
    Meanwhile, you're so disappointed that you fantasize the entire world and all its inhabitants being destroyed.

    The way you express your positive and negative feelings is pretty extreme.
    Things seem to be all or nothing with you.
    This planet needs to be blown up with everyone on it.
    Sometimes it's an extremely cruel place.
    So. What you are asking, because of the immediate people in your life, is for people across the word, animals, and plant life to all die. All because you dislike your situation.

    Taking the nuclear route has never helped anyone. Only more pain comes from this thought process. Namely for the person enacting it.
    You make a strong case :D
    I hope finally purging toxic places I been going to for several years and the terrible people will improve my life.
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