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Tony Ramirez

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  • No one gives a rats ass about me here. I am ready to leave before it gets dark. I am am getting a damn headache from all of there loud small talk.
    It's game night tonight and it feels much colder and it's not the AC at 68 degrees either. I feel more ostracized here. I am barely noticed.
    This annoys me.

    Tony, please remember that information on the internet is not always reliable and you could end up doing something much more painful than you are expecting. Sometimes medication overdoses are extremely painful and drawn out. There is a big risk of surviving and being permanently disabled. Please be careful. Please be safe.
    I'm sad that you are so sad, friend. I wish there were some words you could hear to make you feel better. I wish the care and concern of people here could make it into your heart.
    yes the body often expels meds just enough to let you survive, but life is worse!
    I can no longer look at a picture of my repulsive self the way single women see me.
    You can't see yourself through other people's eyes anyway.

    You're making up a story, telling yourself that you can.
    What makes you feel peaceful, Tony?
    I now stim in public places I don't care what people think anymore. I am cursed with autism so deal with it or get lost.
    On occasion I find myself doing the same. But now I just do it anyways whether people think it's weird or not. I still crack up knowing my nickname was based on an NT observing my early stims as a child who thought I looked like a "judge".
    I still plan on ending my life by the month's end. I just have to figure out a painless way to do it.
    I assure you there is not a simple painless way out. Death is intense. Having seen death of men and beast alike it is not something you can just do. Wait for your antipsychotic to kick in, and I suggest the works of Viktor Frankl if you can borrow a copy of Man's Search for Meaning--bought that one for 50c at a thrift and it changed my outlook.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    My parents are making my life hell.
    Even state governments cant make the sheer brutality of death palatable and can only hide it away from view in the dead of night
    Just deactivated my Instagram. I did not delete it BTW. I just sick and tired of seeing people I follow and don't follow show pics of their friends traveling it sucks and I hated it.
    His wife didn't find out that her husband was in fact not a zillionaire New York real estate baron until she read his note.
    Well done!
    Yep, all the main social media sites seem to be little more than platforms for peoples' bragging rights, whether they are true or not.
    No one here understands my singleness here and just wanting a simple female friend. They think it's all my fault, even calling me mean things like a predator.
    Yes. That's always a sad possibility, that people reject social awkwardness or needy people. Another reason why I wanted anti-anxiety drugs to counter such things and better interact with others.
    Yes we're not the cute kind of socially awkward
    Has it's perks though, when you want peace and quiet no one bothers you
    College graduates piss me off too.
    do you have high anxiety around large crowds, have other health problems besides autism that have prevented you from becoming employed over the years?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Yes. I want a computer job where I mainly work by myself but they require college.
    Computer work is not exactly devoid of stress. It requires the ability to
    communicate & interact with other people, too.
    I slept great last night. No crazy dreams about a women approaching me that became platonic, traveling and sexual. Just a weird dream of me catching my late grandfather watching a soap opera of a women shooting a man arguing you know I seen those in the 80's
    I think the 40's might actually be the worst years of my life and the most emotional painful. Hell except for my later junior high years my entire life was the worst years of my life.
    It's looking closer and closer that suicide is my only solution to this curse I called autism. Nothing else is working.
    Well its the same for me. I think she and her family would be sad if you were to pass away. There is also this forum too. I think there are many people who care about you
    previously you said you though you were calling off suicide, but now you are strongly considering it again? i'm sorry
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I don't know how to actually carry it out there is no information it's all blocked with that stupid 988 number and life will get better crap.
    I freaking hate hearing how you meet stories from damn couples.
    You don't enjoy people much, it seems.
    And can't imagine learning anything from what happy people say.
    I hope to get control with my travel, couples and platonic's envy's when I go back on my antipsychotic I took last year.
    do you think you might try to get a job again, become employed again someday? i think you said you have been unemployed since 2001, just mainly SSI.
    Not feeling so controlled by strong emotions sounds like a great goal, @Tony Ramirez. I hope you start feeling better than you have been.
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