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Knower of nothing

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  • Someone reached out to me on a whim that I hadn't interacted with in over a year. Surprised they remembered me at all. Also found out we're the same age and could relate to each other's rocky school experiences. Fun.
    We're a couple months into the year of no new years resolution now. It's emptier in one sense, because I've not been tackling the self improvement business. But it's also felt very full? I'm unoccupied and can throw my whole being into anything that comes my way.
    Knower of nothing
    Knower of nothing
    I've had some incredible social interactions this year. Music is going great. My perspective on life is settling into something holistically viable and fluid. It's been a strange time to just "live" and nothing but "live".
    I think I understand why I end up here on occasion. I have no autistic people in my life. I am always needing to explain and justify my behavior, motivations, ideas, the whole lot. And I often need to ask for far more context of others too. It is an isolating feeling in the end so there is here to read about some vague experiences where I really don't need to question the logic. I already understand.
    I like the atmosphere. We are just people being people.

    I like how you said this, @Knower of nothing:
    …read about some vague experiences where I really don't need to question the logic. I already understand.
    I have that experience, too.
    Having autistic people in your life is awful nice and if you find any who are your friends that's a good thing.
    Knower of nothing
    Knower of nothing
    Can add to this today that I have one autistic friend now. They're a bit more neurotic than me however we can still bond over our shared dislike of noise haha;
    I was watching some folk online play a silly card game with rather loose rules, and I found myself getting upset at the lack of clarity very fast haha. It felt unfair when advantage could be created simply by being more insistent. They played for the fun of it of course, but I couldn't turn off the game-logic side of my head to enjoy it too.
    Luc Ienn
    Luc Ienn
    If a game is built around something as nebulous as insistence (such as the game BS), I always struggle because there’s a lack of consistency. I also struggle because I’m not very clever when it comes to strategizing or crafting plans in a game, and so if someone can set up a clever ploy…I never stand a chance. I dont like vs games much anyway though.
    I actually play MTG like this a lot; lenient rules and basically whatever makes the game more fun. Obviously this is the best way to play with friends, since it's like the exact opposite or tournament rules!
    It's been a little bit, I'm still kicking. Today I booked an appointment with the doctor and went there alone for the first time, then embarrassed myself at the pharmacy because it was my first time inside one. Feeling alright though, people are nice here. Bit by bit the things I couldn't do because of a truly crippling anxiety are being chipped away at.
    I was wrong lol, this ain't burnout. I realized I can still do things, I simply don't feel like it. I guess that makes it a depressive episode instead. It's almost refreshing to have non-autism related problems. It's a been-there-done-that type of deal too so there's no despair.
    Knower of nothing
    Knower of nothing
    Feels like homebase, the place all must return to. A long while ago I posted a little story I wrote about mud and building and such. Well this state of being was represented by laying down in the mud. Simultaneous end point and start point and whatnot. Maybe I'll be inspired for more melodramatic writings like that.
    Burn out again, body seeks out nocturnal living because this forces minimal interaction and activity. The internet circumvents this strategy a little bit though. I'm sorry body, I just get too lonely too quickly. It's not easy to do nothing, even when it's all you're meant to do.
    Slowly falling in love with flying more each time I do it. Spent a lovely 4 days in Copenhagen, it was my first time traveling alone but both the preparation and actual trip were executed to perfection. Feeling powerful haha
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    Traveling solo can make or break a person because learning to be self-reliant really brings out the person you are. Glad that you are enjoying the journey.
    Your bi-monthly dose of burn out is here. I'd love to say it's because I've been busy again but I really haven't done anything this time. Or more accurately I haven't done anything for myself. It's more like a fuel leak. I told myself at the start of the year I was going to take days off every weekend, but I simply forgot I was doing so.
    In context to my last post, and because I still have no one else to turn to with this, I have decided to ever so slowly make getting a therapist an attainable and desirable course of action for my partner. This is probably the most complex social interaction I've ever had to go through.
    Knower of nothing
    Knower of nothing
    Currently I am slowly teaching them the concept of avoidance coping, its nature as a maladaptive survival strategy and so on. But very slowly. I am not giving them resources because they have the propensity to run away when faced with harsh change or suggestion, they have come to trust only avoidance.
    Knower of nothing
    Knower of nothing
    Once they can accept avoidance as part of their behavior, and its maladaptive reality (with all the nuance of it not being 100% bad included), I will transition to its counterpart. Active coping. Since seeking therapy is a form of active coping, the idea is to build a fully rational foundation for why it should be given an attempt.
    Knower of nothing
    Knower of nothing
    Knowledge is strength.
    Alright wew. Massive 1 hour+ confrontational relationship talk. I soldiered through it. Mostly kept my calm, mostly said what I think were helpful things.
    I really shouldn't be the support for some of these things but when you're too scared to even consider a therapist it's not like I'm not gonna try do what I can.
    Knower of nothing
    Knower of nothing
    And for those concerned, I'm not in a toxic relationship where I'm forced into the therapist role and I'd be able to set boundaries if I ever were. It not being toxic just doesn't change the fact it's still an exhausting experience for both parties.
    You got through it. Some of us can't even get to "the talk" because it's too upsetting or they aren't comfortable discussing couple things. Maybe a monthly maintenance talk and schedule for a date nite also to keep the mood neutral?
    Knower of nothing
    Knower of nothing
    Yeah it took a pretty long gentle but persistent pulling from my end to make it happen. Proud of them for coming through. I like the date night idea, I'll see if I can come up with something to put them at ease and have a more casual moment.
    Had a terribly frustrating shut-down that I then literally beat myself out of. Fought myself periodically while doing chores and taking a shower. Whole scenario was so absurd I laughed. I count it as a victory.
    some bitcoin phishing scams going around again, I know most people don't fall for these as they rely on you mistaking it for actual bitcoin stuff you're doing but still
    careful fellas
    I had such a busy October that November was entirely spent recovering and sleeping a lot. The price to pay of the boundary crossing mentioned in last post.
    Incidentally I wrote some great music this month as a result too. Composition has a weird bond with turmoil.
    Still in the burnout, however no outburst seems to be coming. Mindfulness seems to almost completely block it from happening, like how you can't subconsciously stim if you focus. Granted I've been resting up.
    Knower of nothing
    Knower of nothing
    My mother had such an event after exhaustion hospitalized her. Never fully got back to her energy after that. An important, if sad, bit of context is that humans aren't built to last to begin with. From the ground up we come packaged with processes that will decay us, stress or not. Will becomes more important than ability.
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    Well, I have yet to see 80 years old machinery working properly with their initial mechanisms... I would say we do last quite a lot for an Ape.

    One notices better how much we do last when they have to live with pain or a handicap. Take care.
    Knower of nothing
    Knower of nothing
    You too friend.
    I re-read an old short story of mine from 3 years ago. It's the most explicitly written-during-burnout story I have. It's so aggressively against the very idea of feeling things at all. Made me a bit sad. I'm also sad that I still understand it. I almost shut down so I had to put some topics off-limits today, even with my partner. I don't want to think about it right now.
    Knower of nothing
    Knower of nothing
    Mid-point of a burnout for me always comes after the previously mentioned surface level symptoms start to wear me down and I get more emotional strain. It's the sad period. Characterized by a stronger need for isolation and wanting to disappear. Tendency to stay in bed, in room, lights off, blinds closed, shutting yourself off from people and not wanting to talk.
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