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Knower of nothing

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  • I do suppose the idea that people can decide for themselves what to do is a bit scary. Perhaps I didn't preface sensitive material enough.
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    Pm me if you want?
    I second what @Loren said and I did read those posts. I like hearing from you on the forum, @Knower of nothing. You're thoughtful and come across kind. And difficult things also need to be discussed honestly, so thank you for that.
    Knower of nothing
    Knower of nothing
    I think I probably got too scared too quickly seeing things I wrote deleted, but it seems it was more about where I was writing rather than what. Thanks a lot for the kind words everyone. Silver lining: I put the feelings in a sappy 3 minute chiptune composition that will probably show up somewhere soon.
    I only slept 5 hours but somehow had an awesome (if tired) day. In fact now that today is over there's some awesome-residue for you to have.
    Praying for my best friend that the ear drops and moving to a less stressful location lightens the tinnitus a bit. I don't want to lose him.
    working with this organization called OLO to get myself a bit more independent from my family, mainly in regards to food
    Knower of nothing
    Knower of nothing
    I have a very restrictive diet and cooking is rather stressful, so the options are sadly a bit limited. It'll likely end up being some assistant. Hope I can adjust because the topic makes me sad with the spotlight it shines on my inability.
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