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Knower of nothing

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  • Another exhaustion period (woo!)
    Same rookie mistake as usual, casually overstepped my boundaries by chasing what I want to do and thus end up sabotaging myself far more than if I paced myself a little. Will we ever learn? Maybe once my spirit cools off a little. But while the fire still roars, I don't really mind tripping up like this that much.
    Knower of nothing
    Knower of nothing
    As part of documenting the burnout though here's the symptoms:
    Perpetual tiredness, tendency to deep dive into escapism or similar intimate comforts to shut out anything else, noticable drop in quality of communication (become more blunt and stand-offish, less patience). And of course what I personally use as the tell-tale sign: neglecting self-maintenance.
    That's me. You did a excellent job describing this. And me. Omg. Dive into escapism by endless internet surfing, endless sleeping, and whatever else.
    I have luxurious accomodation to the point I don't actually often get to interact with people as they are. I'm always being accounted for, considered. A problem to solve, to manage, to keep track of. I am often more a pet to my family than a person. Something they need to think of when they want to go do something. To make sure I'm kept fed and taken on the occasional walk.
    IMO you´re never fully independent as long as you live with your parents, no matter what age. for me it is really important to decide over my own apartment, no matter how tiny it is, that I´m the master of my own apartment and can decide what I want, when I go to supermarket, what I buy, when I clean it, when I want to be alone and when I invite others. that I have this self-government.
    Knower of nothing
    Knower of nothing
    I can't be independent so whether it's with parents or others doesn't really make a difference. At least parents are a friendly face.
    Nor do I value independence all that much. It really is just the absence of genuine interaction irking me. I get my fair share online though.
    Knower of nothing
    Knower of nothing
    Ultimately I should probably have a good cry about it and then get over myself. Wealth lies in surplus and the easiest path to surplus is the lack of want.
    Making progress with the integration mentioned last status. Feeling free and confident these days even though energy-level wise I'd have classified this as a bad period in the past. The body rests. My heart is blazing.
    Gradual realization that I tend to deny many of my own desires because they're not admirable. It's not quite the jungian shadow, but I will attempt to integrate myself with these denied feelings and become more honest.
    To conclude this trilogy: The social interaction and tension leading up to it both overstimulated me and pre-occupied me enough that I forgot to eat so now I'm still up at 5 am having cereal. Autism is a bit of a dramaqueen condition sometimes.
    Knower of nothing
    Knower of nothing
    Had a ton of fun in fact yeah, first time in a while meeting some new people and they were lovely.
    I'm very happy to hear that! And every time I see you post something, it makes me smile, because you dedicated a song to me that time :) That still means a lot to me.
    Knower of nothing
    Knower of nothing
    That makes me very happy, it's one of my favorite things to do :)
    I need some courage of my own or I miss out on an upcoming social event. Always such a hit to my pride to have to pull someone aside and explain that I require extra accomodation to be able to enjoy something. Making such demands sometimes makes me think it's best I leave it to myself and don't join in.
    11 days into lethargy phase, been on the walk back out of the pit since yesterday. Predicting back to neutral in 1-2 days (slightly optimistic)
    Knower of nothing
    Knower of nothing
    Overall it wasn't quite as bad. More exhaustion than turmoil. Even saw some benefits in creative energy and capacity for meditation. While still unpleasant, this is at a level where I'd consider it livable. At least with the amount of assistance I get, were I to live alone or have a job I can't imagine the disruptive force it'd have.
    I am slightly shook, big political events going on. The source of this anxiety seems to be the knowledge that both sides will lead to ruin.
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    Mutually assured destruction.
    Knower of nothing
    Knower of nothing
    Aye, but not the inevitable kind that we can find peace through resignation in. It's the complex web of decisions interacting that has a right solution buried under human flaw. Terrifying stuff, highly confrontational and not good for sleep.
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    I sleep like a baby. Apart from the times I have broken sleep cause the pressure of life gets to me. Then I sleep like a drug addict.

    But yeah I hear ya. Politics is such a drag. We're just cogs in the machine. This clockwork monstrosity.
    Great family gathering tomorrow to mark a century since the birth of my grandpa (though he has passed away).
    Really articulate by then and grown-up; and he remembered what he was thinking for every event his mother related, from around age 3. So he could give us the inside view in retrospect, and there was tons going on where many onlookers thought there was very little.
    What happened to the thick glass wall?
    Knower of nothing
    Knower of nothing
    Yeah that's interesting. Though I was constantly thinking as a kid as well, it was in a very isolated way. Tunnel visioned on who knows what. My mother tells me stories of how I would examine ants on the ground and then eventually forget where I was and get lost. Perhaps it was that classic "in my own world" behavior that leads to the strangely distant memories of the people and places from back then.
    Seems the stress caught up with me today in the form of an insecurity driven anxiety burst. Oh well, time for another one of those breaks.
    Knower of nothing
    Knower of nothing
    Took a breather, returned for a short bit to explain what's going on and that I'll be taking a social break. Assured them it's not their fault, they assured me I wasn't annoying for causing that kind of hassle now and then. And here we are. The anxiety lies to me and says all kinds of things are wrong still, but I know better. I'll be back soon.
    Telling people with anxiety to just “calm down” is really invalidating :( I’m sorry you had an awkward conversation with your friend but I’m glad they tried to understand. And I’m sorry you’re feeling stressed :( I also have really bad anxiety and it can really burn people out!
    Hope you can do some nice things for yourself over the next few days and regain some peace of mind :)
    Doing something creative always helps me!
    When I think of Belgium I think of chocolate seashells and of a very courageous tennis player of small stature who got hit in the eye with a ball a while back...
    Oh, that's lovely that you have such a beautiful place near you to walk in! We are near the coast on the West Australian South Coast and some of our places look similar, around our coastal wetlands. "Albany Western Australia" yields nice images on a search. ;)
    Knower of nothing
    Knower of nothing
    Waah, the beaches. I'm jealous haha
    They are amazing beaches, spectacular landscape. One reason husband and I moved here! :) Rather live here and eat lentils, than live elsewhere and eat truffles or whatever...
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