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  • I wear Levi's mostly, preferably dark blue ones and definitely not tight.
    Thanks, I wouldn't say that it's bling but it was a necklace to remember that camping thing I went to for about 5 days, it was so awesome! :D
    I think Japan is a weird half/half of super traditional and super modern. So yeah, I loved Japan. :)
    I hope to go back someday.
    Hey! Yeah, the weekend is coming along fine. Attending a Halloween Party tomorrow which should be interesting. The Noel Gallagher gig was great by the way. He even played some of the old Oasis songs like "Wonderwall" "Don't Look Back in Anger" and "Little By Little".
    Sorry I haven't answered sooner. I get involved in other things and then ignore things. I'm getting prepared for cyclocross racing season, and have been busy training and obsessing about it. I haven't been on the forums for a while. I'm doing alright. Work is also demanding right now, my boss is out for 8 weeks and i am having to do much of his job. So far I am managing OK. I hope things are well with you.
    I guess you've seen me online on 20th :) I don't usually check my messages, that's why I haven't seen it.
    Ha, thank you! It's a big move, so I'd figure making it an obsession of mine will help make it interesting :P
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