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  • ooohhh i see i see. yea iv never played much of them. you seem pretty educated about things like that all around the globe.
    Hey Geordie.

    I'm curious: Do you have a Tumblr blog? If you do, I wouldn't mind following you.

    We have similar tastes. I'd likely reblog lots of your posts. :D
    Competitive streak? Only for football, fishing, and racing haha what brought that up, bro?
    Hi :) I'm fine. Just got my 1st rental car, never driven a rental before. That was a little frustrating but I believe I'll be fine by tomorrow. I have to be fine, I have to drive it for the next 5 days if not longer. How are you? Omg I can't believe it I actually asked someone how are they doing :) I don't usually say it :)
    ya it actually is much more interesting then people think. but i dont build houses. iv been installing siding onto pre-existing houses since i was 14 lol but about a month ago i started building poles sheds. its basically thin aluminum or steel sheds with pole reinforcements. its amazingly fun because its essentially a high school shop class with alcohol everyday at work haha and the pay is very much higher then most realize
    That's good. :) I never been to Pro-Player/Joe Robbie Stadium (Dolphin/Sun Life Stadium). That stadium had so many names. XD! I know it as Pro-Player. The older generation knows it by Joe Robbie. The rest knows it by Dolphin, Land Shark, or Sun Life. XD!

    Anyways, you'll only be seeing the Dolphins or UM playing there now. The Marlins will be playing in their own ball park. :) I'll miss the Florida Marlins. Now they are the Miami Marlins, I guess...
    The Cheifs are still pretty cool and so are the Titans. But I despise the Colts, Patriots, Chargers, and Broncos
    I'm a thoroughly dedicated Raiders fan because of their character and personality as a team. They played horrible the last 8 years but I was still a committed fan to the team because they are nearly the last team of the NFL to not care as much about money, they put the love and passion of football first. They stay faithfull to their teammates and don't switch franchises based on a bigger check. So basically, I love the Raiders just because of their personality and not their win-lose ratio.
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