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  • I like lots of things too...But I tend to like little things because of hte cute factor.

    Still I don't know how you control the anxiety if you fall asleep on the bus. I would be terrifed. I take the bus when I work to work and I just ...I couldn't do that. I am a bit envious of that.

    I need to decide what dolls to take to my friends house tomorrow...she is introducing me to a new friend...I am dreading this....I really don't like that kind of thing. Plus this new person is a big newbie in terms of dolls like they just sold her one. Sooo yah...I don't know what to do about tomorrow...
    Ugh I wish I could learn to sleep on the bus but I can't. I wish I could. How do you do it? I get all paranoid and upset if my bus is even like 5minutes late or something. I love little things...but that's probably because little equals dollie sized if that makes sense?:)
    Heh Hi! I don't know...I just like little bears rabbits, and little things. Why?:)

    How are you today??
    Oh I have been on line I just been hiding a bit. Sorry. Yes I suppose so. I am good. A bit concerned like I said about my co-worker but I am more freaked about the weather here right now than anything else. But to be honest I am really good and probably finsihing paying for a dollie and starting to pay for a new one. What about you?:)
    Well that usually works for me too but sometimes...its not enough. Sigh. All well my day will be lovely I hope. I hope yours is as well. :)
    I am glad that you were a good busy. You enjoy your weekend too I hope. Mine...sadly is gonna end up sorta sucking. But never fear I have days off soon to maybe do something more fun and not think about crap. :) Good day! Good Day!
    Hey Geordie how you be doing? Looks like a nice day for you too? I had a good day mostly...I am heading off to work. Blargh But it pays the bills mostly...so yah...I hope your day continues to be bright. :)
    Thank you. My friend Iza took the pic with her camera and I was so pleased with it. They often take on this real quality. I am glad you likes. I hope you're having a lovely day!
    Um...recharge like battery? Heh intellectual bah no more thinks have fun. Go hug manna teehee:) read for fun..
    Heh there is only one that has anything here. Its in Blaine its like forty-forty-five minutes from here. It only has a few bits of clothing and dollie accessories but its mostly for Porcelain dolls. Its still a really cool place though. I hope you are having a good day.:)
    I am pleased I make you think, you certainly bring a lot to think about yourself. I am always interested to read about the going's on in other countries.
    Here's hoping you have a great day ; ]
    Awww well thank you. Hopefully this week I can take a pic or two of Ally in her new dress. She looks adorable. I am getting a new doll but she's not paid off yet. Plus I gotta get her a wig and new eyes...as she is secondhand.. How are you today?
    Hey there, yeah I love AC, I never went anywhere else and dont think I need to now as this place is great for me, you must have seen a few changes huh ; ]
    You too. Just popped back on for abit. But its still massively raining here so can't be up much longer
    I am glad that you like coming back here. Its nice. Ahhh well I have been a big fan of the rockers so I wanted Adam Lambert win in his season. I wanted Daughtry to win his season...So yah for once I got my choice ...though I liked Clay Akiin too.

    I am a bit exhausted.
    Hey how is you. My day was fine...a bit overwhelming but it was fine. Bought one of my dollies a new outfit. Meh I am exhausted...Its stormy here too. I hate storms. But all in all it was lovely day. Plus who I wanted to win American Idol won so I am finally happy with that. Mine always seem to come in second or third...So yah... How about you?
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