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  • we'll get the old AC back into the prime condition of before it went down, we just need more people to show their sunny disspositions like you and a few others already do.

    All will be as it was before don't you think? :bounce:
    Hey hey, it was a pleasant surprise to receive your best wishes with the new title, thanks for that.
    I hope to do a decent job for everyone here as you all have been pretty good to me since my arrival ; ]
    Oh you are welcome. That sounds nice I think we should all have Hard drives. I have never had one though. I think they are good idea.
    Yah. I see that you are awake Geordie. I am glad you are feeling better. Its nice to have you back...just take care of yourself though. :)
    I am glad you are still alive. Hugs hope that helps your under the weatherness. But I am glad you are feeling a bit better.
    You have a great day too! - i just sent a message to myself- this is all a bit difficult working out how to use the various message boxes
    We'll probably bump into eachother through either skype or on the AC shoutbox soon again, so we'll have a chat again :)
    Yah...I love being inspired. Usually I write poetry from the heart. But I love writing my stories. Teehee hey you should see what I put instead of having it say VIP. Teehee I love Vampires. So how yah been?
    Aww well thank you. Yup I've been a VIP for like four days but Droopy isn't sure why he had to manually change it because I had the points. Yah well Writing is great. I just hope that you continue to be inspired no matter what is going on.
    Yah I love to write. I don't usually write for anyone but myself but I do like it. I love your writing though.
    Maybe so. I write a lot...I actually just created a social group for those that like to write and one for people who like dolls. I don't know normal and boring is relative don't you think? :)
    Huh? I don't have a horse ohhh I commented on one of the other members horses...teehee...I get it now.

    Hey Geordie you seem bright and cheery today
    Awww thank you. I can't wait to show you what she looks like when she gets her real wig and eyes
    Ohhh I like those dollies...pretty...I wants...teehee...You would probably like my girl doll Dru. She is a shapeshifter so she has ears and a tail that poses that I made her to look like a partial snow leopard her fav. animal to turn into. I love dollies... so now tell me about these dolls you are showing me they are intriguing.

    I don't know I am still a bit leary of tomorrow. I warned my friend allready that I might act weird tomorrow. I don't do well with new people. I was just starting to get comfy with them. All well
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